Durham College (DC) is committed to providing the safest possible environment for employees, students and visitors. In the event of an emergency, DC and Ontario Tech University have collaborated to create a comprehensive emergency management program on campus.
The Emergency Management Plan provides guidance and direction for all aspects of emergency management including the coordination of mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, continuity and recovery activities for any emergency on or near our campuses.
Posters with key emergency information can be found on the walls of hallways, classrooms, and offices across both DC campuses.
How will I be notified of an emergency situation?
We communicate through a number of different channels including the Alertus Notification System, Alertus beacons, digital signage and social media. Learn more.
Where do I go in the event of an emergency?
If necessary, an emergency notification will tell you to go to your closest designated safety zone.
What do I do in the event of an emergency?
Procedure title: Active Threat
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Active threat refers to any individual who poses a violent threat to the safety and security of the campus community.
There are four (4) situations that may involve an active threat:
- Off campus;
- On campus (not in a building, classroom, or office);
- In a building; and
- In a classroom or office.
Campus Safety and the Emergency Management Response Team will use either a lockdown or secure and hold to deal with these situations.
Active threat within a building:
In the event that an attacker is in the same building as you:
- Determine if the door of the classroom or office you are in can be locked or barricaded and if so, secure the door;
- If the door cannot be secured, determine if you can safely move to a classroom or office that can be secure;
- If you are near an exit, and it is safe, exit the building. Once outside, do not re-enter the building. Gather at a safe distance off campus.
- If you have successfully secured yourself, if possible, cover all windows that may allow sight into the classroom or office;
- Account for everyone in the room. Turn the lights off and lie on the floor;
- Do your best to familiarize yourself with your surroundings – try to find out where the nearest campus phone or cellphone is, where the safest exit is, and any other avenues you may use to seek help; and
- If possible, contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone or at 905.721.3211 from an external line, to relay any pertinent information.
Active threat within a classroom:
Please take the following steps in the event that an active threat enters a classroom or office.
- Immediately notify Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone, or call 905.721.3211 from an external line;
- If you are confronted and unable to speak, do not hang up the phone unless ordered to do so by the attacker; and
- If you are unable to safely escape or hide, you may be able to negotiate with the attacker - Consider the following techniques:
- Remain calm, sound confident, and do not raise the tone of your voice;
- Do not respond defensively;
- Do not touch the person;
- Do not invade their personal space (three to six feet);
- Do not challenge the attacker; and
- Do not accept a weapon if offered, instead ask that it be laid down.
Note: Engaging in physical confrontation is always a last resort and should only be considered after all options have failed.
In the event of an injury:
Once the event has passed, and it is safe to exit the building, it is important that you report any injuries to your immediate supervisor. Once you’ve done this, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Bomb Threat Procedure
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the safety of its, students and the institution’s processes or the facility itself.
Bomb threat is any warning of violence or danger that jeopardizes the safety and security of anyone on campus.
Suspicious package refers to any package that cannot be identified and reasonably appears to pose a threat to public safety.
All bomb threats are a breach of the Criminal Code. The disruption caused by hoaxes creates great concern and angst in those involved. In addition, hoaxes cause disruption of services provided by local police, fire and emergency medical services, and place others in the community at risk.
All procedures to deal with such threats must be tempered with the need to protect all members of the college and university community, and the need to maintain normal day-to-day academic activities.
If the bomb threat is received by phone:
- Stay calm and speak to the caller with a pleasant tone.
- Let the caller know you are willing to cooperate by listening to what they have to say.
- Listen and remain calm;
- Do not interrupt the caller;
- Ask the caller if there is anything you can do to help;
- DO NOT upset the caller on the line;
- Ask the following questions:
- Where is the bomb?
- When is it going to go off?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Obtain and record information;
- Record the phone number and the time which the call was received if possible;
- At the termination of the call, activate ‘call trace’ by dialling * 57; and
- Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 from an external line.
If the bomb threat is received by note, fax, voice mail or e-mail:
- Do not handle the note;
- Do not delete the e-mail;
- Do not use the facsimile machine;
- Save the note, e-mail, voice mail; and
- Notify Campus Security
If the bomb threat is received by person:
- Remain calm, comply with person’s demands;
- If possible, notify Campus Security without antagonizing the person;
- Develop a good description of the person;
If you see a suspicious package:
- Do not touch the package;
- Clear the immediate area;
- Do not use portable radios or cellphones; and
- Notify security.
The Office of Campus Safety and Emergency Management Response Team will provide leadership in dealing with any bomb threat.
In the event an injury occurs as a result of a workplace accident, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Building Failure
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Power outage refers to a loss of power to a room, building or an entire campus, that impacts the day-to-day operations of Durham College or Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U), or poses a threat to the health, safety or security of those affected.
Elevator failure refers to any elevator that is not functioning to its regulated standard, and therefore poses a threat to the health, safety or security of its passengers.
Watermain break refers to any damage to a water main that causes flooding, or otherwise poses a threat to the well-being of those on campus.
Power outage
In the event of a power outage:
- During regular business hours, immediately notify Facilities at 3333 or 905.721.3333 from an external phone;
- After business hours, notify Campus Security at 2400 or 905.721.3211 from an external line;
- If phones are not available, contact security at the main help desk;
- Turn off all light switches;
- Set all equipment and appliance switches to the off position. This is to protect against kicking out the circuit breakers, blowing fuses, or damaging equipment when the full surge or current hits as the power comes back on;
- Take measures to protect your equipment or experiments. Remember that air operated controls and water pressure may be affected;
- Extinguish all flames in laboratory settings;
- Increase ventilation by opening windows. If the failure lasts more than a few minutes, it will be necessary to evacuate persons from darkened areas (restroom, stairwells or other areas with no windows or natural lighting);
- Report all persons trapped in elevators to Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- Any decision to evacuate will be made after careful consideration by the Emergency Management Response Team;
- If it becomes necessary to evacuate the premises during a blackout, be sure to protect all valuables and make sure that all equipment is safe when the power comes back on; and
- When there is a power failure, do not use the elevator.
Elevator Failure
In the event you are trapped in an elevator during a failure, use the emergency phone in the elevator to contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211. Security will dispatch the necessary responders to assist you.
If you notice an elevator that is not functioning properly and there is no signage that indicates it as such, call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 and inform them of the stoppage. Security will be able to post a sign to inform others regarding the issue and notify the appropriate responders.
Watermain break
In the event of a watermain break:
- Do not walk through the stream or puddles;
- Move to an unaffected and safe area;
- Between regular business hours contact Facilities at ext. 3333 or 905.721.3333; or
- After hours, contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Domestic Violence
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Domestic violence (or intimate partner violence) occurs when a person uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, stalking, emotional, sexual or economic abuse to control his or her current or former partner (married, dating, living together or have a child in common).
Students, staff, faculty or visitors who are affected by domestic violence and fear that a current or former intimate partner, who may be on campus or may come to campus, may pose a risk to themselves or anyone on campus, must report this concern to Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 from an external line.
If an individual discloses being a victim/target of domestic violence:
- Let her or him know you are concerned and that you will support her or his needs for safety, necessary accommodations and referrals to appropriate resources;
- Respect confidentiality, telling only those who need to know (i.e. Campus Security and the Office of Campus Safety). In the case of a threat of violence on campus, you are obliged to report to Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- Individuals with restraining orders are strongly encouraged to provide the Office of Campus Safety with a copy of the order; and
- If an individual discloses committing domestic violence, the staff/faculty should inform the individual that the college and university have a strict policy against Domestic Violence. Be clear that the individual will be disciplined if the violence takes place anywhere on campus.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform her or him of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) employees can access the form through the ontechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
Persons in positions of authority (including deans, directors, chairs, supervisors, faculty, graduate student instructors, coaches or others who oversee employees or students) have an obligation to contact the appropriate resources if they see or are informed of domestic violence incidents or threats of violence. Employees can seek assistance from their Human Resources representative.
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Earthquakes
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Southern Ontario is susceptible to a variety conditions and phenomenon that not only affect the safety and security of those on campus, but also play a factor in everyone’s travel arrangements to and from campus.
Earthquakes occur when tectonic plates cause a noticeable movement in the ground. Each year, Canada experiences thousands of small earthquakes, the majority of which are only noticed by the machines that measure them.
In case of an earthquake:
- Drop under heavy furniture such as a table or desk;
- Cover your head and torso to protect yourself from falling objects;
- Hold onto the object that you are under to maintain cover; and
- If you can't get under something strong, crouch against an interior wall.
After an earthquake:
- Do not exit the building until it is safe to do so;
- If there are any damage or injuries, contact security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- Do not use elevators;
- Stay calm and use common sense; and
- Co-operate with emergency personnel.
Public Address Announcement (PA)
In the past, the campuses have experienced small earthquakes that last for a very short period of time and are not significant enough to cause personal injury or structural damage to the buildings. In the event of small earthquakes, Security will acknowledge that such a phenomenon has been reported on campus by way of a public address announcement:
“The campus has just experienced an earthquake. Please remain in place and continue with normal activities unless directed otherwise. Security and facilities personnel will immediately assess for damage. Should any further action be necessary a second announcement will be made.”
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs as a result of a workplace accident, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform her or him of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech U (Ont Tech U) employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Human Resources, then Healthy Workplace, then Accident/Injury Form. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Public Safety Canada – Earthquakes in Canada guidelines
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Evacuations
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This plan provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Total evacuation refers to the orderly and safe evacuation of one or several buildings, or a campus as a whole.
Partial evacuation refers to a controlled, orderly and safe evacuation of a room, floor, section or area of a building on a campus.
Total and Partial Evacuation
If an evacuation is required:
- Follow the direction of Campus Security, the manager of Public Safety and Security, Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) members, fire wardens or emergency services personnel if they are on scene;
- If the above individuals are unavailable, follow the fire safety plan instructions posted within buildings, evacuate safely, assemble in a safe and secure area and await direction from Campus Security;
- If available, assist staff in the safe and orderly evacuation of students and visitors as directed by Campus Security, the manager of Public Safety and Security, EMRT members or emergency services personnel; and
- Identify and assist any individuals with a disability according to their individual evacuation plans.
Activation - Partial evacuation
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT), Director of Campus Safety or Designate upon making a decision for a partial evacuation will contact those external resources determined to be required to engage the evacuation plan.
Activation - Total evacuation
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT), Director of Campus Safety or Designate upon making a decision for a total evacuation will contact Durham Regional Police, Durham Regional Transit, and GO Transit to engage the evacuation plan.
Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS)
Durham Regional Police will respond and attend designated traffic locations to ensure the orderly, safe and movement of vehicular traffic.
Durham Region Transit/Go Transit
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT), Director of Campus Safety or Designate upon making a decision for an evacuation will contact public transit services to engage Evacuation Plan DC/Ont Tech U.
Buses will not be allowed to enter the Campus but will attend the Public Transit Staging area (e.g., Simcoe Street and Conlin Ave).
Public Transit Staging
The Public Transit Staging area will be situated on Founders Drive near the Campus Ice and Tennis Centre.
Pedestrian/Public Transit
Pedestrians will be directed to the Public Transit Staging Area.
The safest area will be selected and communicated when the evacuation plan is activated.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College/Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Explosion or Downed Aircraft Procedure
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
The Durham College and Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) north Oshawa campus is located near the Oshawa Airport, making an emergency plan and procedure for downed aircrafts and explosions imperative, even if the incident rate is low.
Small single or twin-engine aircrafts or helicopters usually affect a relatively small area upon impact. Fire, if any, resulting from a crash is usually of short duration and quickly extinguished. By contrast, a commercial airliner crash could result in a path of fire and destruction that is significantly larger. Fire tends to be very intense with large amounts of smoke.
In the event of an explosion or downed aircraft:
- Immediately take cover under tables, desks and other objects, which will give protection from falling debris.
- After the effects of the explosion and/or fire has subsided, contact security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency. Campus Security will notify the local Fire Department and any other necessary authorities.
- If necessary, or when directed to do so, activate the fire alarm.
- When the fire alarm is sounded, evacuate the building in accordance with the fire plan for your location.
- Assist any disabled persons in exiting the building or going to designated safety zones. In the event of a fire, do not use elevators.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is a safe distance from the affected crash zone. Keep roads and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- If requested, assist emergency crews as necessary.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a college or university official.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform her or him of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ont Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Fire and Fire Alarms
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
A majority of Durham College and Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) buildings utilize two- or single-stage alarm systems, but there are some satellite locations that have to adhere to the fire alarm and evacuation policies of their respective buildings. All buildings that utilize either a two- or single stage alarm are listed under the building reference section below. If the building you are in is not listed, it is because it is regulated by an external policy.
Upon discovery of a fire:
Remove all occupants;
Enclose the area you are leaving;
Activate the fire alarm;
Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211, to report the fire;
Take the stairs.
Fire wardens are trained staff members who will be available to help with following this procedure.
Two-stage Alarms:
Durham College and Ontario Tech U use a two-stage alarm system in the majority of buildings on the north Oshawa and Whitby campuses, though some exceptions do apply. For a more detailed list of the alarm system for each building, see the building reference section below.
Stage 1:
The ‘Alert Signal’– one (1) pulse every two (2) seconds.
When you hear the fire alarm, take three seconds to measure the number of pulses, so you can be sure what alarm type you are experiencing.
When you hear the alert signal:
- Evacuation is not required during Stage 1.
- If you hear the Alert Signal, stay calm, remain where you are, prepare to leave the building if instructed to do so.
Stage 2:
The ‘Evacuation Signal’ – one (1) pulse every second. When you hear the evacuation signal:
- Evacuation is required during Stage 2.
- Assist disabled persons in evacuating or going to a designated safety zone (see below).
- Close doors behind you;
- Do not use the elevators;
- Exit the building through the nearest safe exit;
- Follow directions from the fire warden or Campus Security;
- Move a safe distance away once outside; and
- Wait for clearance from the appropriate authorities before re-entering the building.
Single-stage alarms:
Single-stage alarms are prevalent in locations other than the north Oshawa or Whitby campuses, though some exceptions do apply. For a more detailed list of the alarm system for each building, see the building reference section below.
When you hear the fire alarm:
- Evacuation is required;
- Assist disabled persons in evacuating or moving to a designated safety zone, located near stairwells;
- Close doors behind you;
- Do not use the elevators;
- Exit the building through the nearest safe exit;
- Follow directions from the fire warden or Campus Security;
- Move a safe distance away once outside; and
- Wait for clearance from the appropriate authorities before re-entering the building.
If you cannot evacuate:
- If safe to do so, go to a designated safety zone located by all stairwells;
- If you cannot get to a designated safety area, stay low to the floor and close the door;
- Always check doors for heat before opening; and
- Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 to report your location.
Persons with physical disabilities will:
Move towards the designated safety zone (they are located near all major stairwells, and are marked with a red sign) and permit others to evacuate down stairwells. If the individual has an assistant, the assistant must advise the fire warden, Campus Security or the fire department of the person’s location and stairwell number.
If the individual is unescorted, he/she should remain in the designated safety zone and await the arrival of a Fire Warden. Persons with physical disabilities should not enter the stairwell unless it is absolutely necessary (fire or smoke is near the location).
The elevator should never be used during a fire alarm.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ont Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
All fire wardens, faculty, staff, and students have the responsibility to understand and follow the fire alarm procedures as set out in this guideline and the fire safety plan in each location. In addition, there are responsibilities under the Ontario Fire Code, Fire Prevention and Protection Act, Ontario Building Code, Canadian Criminal Code, municipal codes and bylaws, and other codes and regulations. Please note that Section 437 of the Criminal Code states a false fire alarm is a criminal offence.
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Building reference
Buildings with two-stage alarms:
- Gordon Willey building
- Library building
- Engineering building
- Science building (UA)
- Simcoe building
- South Village Residence
- Student Centre
- Business and IT building (UB)
- ERC building
- Student Services building
- Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre
- Automotive Centre of Excellence
- Whitby main campus
- Whitby Centre for Food
Buildings with single-stage alarms:
- Campus Corners
- Clean Energy Research Lab
- Crime Scene House
- Grounds Maintenance
- Library Portable Structure
- Pavilion
- Regent Theater Lecture Hall
- Simcoe Building J Wing Portable
- 55 Bond Street
- 11 Simcoe St.
- 61 Charles St.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Gas Leak
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
A gas leak refers to a leak of natural gas, from a pipe or other containment, into a living area or any other area where it poses a threat to campus safety and security. Gas in its natural state is non-toxic and odourless. As a safety precaution, an odourant, which emits a ‘rotten egg’ smell, is added to ensure quick detection in case of a gas leak.
When a natural gas odour/leak is detected, take the following action:
- Cease all operations;
- Do not switch the lights on or off, or operate other electrical equipment – switching electrical equipment can trigger an explosion;
- Warn others in the immediate area;
- Evacuate the immediate area unless instructed otherwise by Campus Security or Facilities Services;
- Immediately notify Facilities Services at ext. 3333 or 905.721.3333; and
- After hours contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
UOIT employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Hostage Situation
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Hostage refers to a person being held by a captor.
Hostage-taker refers to a person who seizes one or more hostages.
Hostage situation refers to an individual forcefully restricting the movements and actions of another person(s) through threats or violence.
If you become aware of a hostage situation:
- If you believe that it is safe, exit the building immediately and move far away from the building, in a direction away from the hostage-taker;
- Notify anyone you may encounter as you go, to exit the building immediately;
- Assist persons with disabilities in exiting the area; and
- Notify Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone or 905.721.3211 from an external line.
If you are directly involved in the incident and exiting the building is not possible, the following actions are recommended:
- Go to the nearest room or office, close and secure the door and/or barricade the door if possible;
- Cover any glass panel in the door and windows if possible;
- Go to the farthest point away from the door or windows;
- Keep quiet and act as if no one is in the room, stay close to the floor;
- DO NOT respond to requests to open the door until and unless you are sure that it is Durham Regional Police outside; and
- Notify Campus Security at ext.2400 if there is a phone in the room and provide the following information:
- Your name;
- Location of incident (be specific as possible);
- Identification and or description of the hostage-taker(s);
- Number of people who may be involved;
- Your present location; and
- Wait for Durham police or Campus Security to assist you out of the building (which may include raising your arms demonstrating that you have no objects in your hands).
If you are unable to safely escape or hide, you may be able to negotiate with the hostage-taker. Consider the following:
- Be patient, remain calm. The initial period of time, approximately 30 to 45 minutes, is the most dangerous. Remember the hostage-taker may be emotionally unstable;
- Call 911, Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211. Do not hang up the phone unless ordered to do so by the hostage-taker;
- Don't speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary. Remain calm, sound confident, do not raise the tone of your voice, and don’t talk down to the hostage-taker;
- Attempt to establish a rapport – use first names to humanize both you and the others;
- Do not invade the hostage-taker’s personal space;
- Do not touch or challenge the hostage-taker;
- Do not accept the weapon if offered, ask that it be laid down;
- Be observant -- your personal safety and the safety of others may depend on your memory; and
- Be prepared to answer the police on the phone. If medications, first aid, or restroom privileges are needed by anyone, say so.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform her or him of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
Security supervisors, the manager of Public Safety and Security and the emergency manager are responsible for establishing communication with the Durham Regional Police Service, which has authority governing shooting and hostage incidents.
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Inclement Weather
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Southern Ontario is susceptible to a variety of extreme weather conditions that can range from exhausting heat in the summer to frigid cold and blizzards in the winter. These conditions not only affect the safety and security of those on campus, but also play a factor in everyone’s travel arrangements to and from campus.
Extreme heat refers to high temperatures in the late spring, summer, and early fall that play a role in heat stress. Heat stress occurs when heat is combined with other stresses such as hard physical work, loss of fluids, fatigue or some medical conditions. It may lead to heat-related illness, disability and even death.
Extreme cold refers to temperatures that despite individual efforts to keep warm, can lead to hypothermia or frost bite, and is an often underrated atmospheric hazard in Canada.
Winter storms are extreme winter conditions characterized by one or more of the following: strong winds, low visibility, snow, cold temperatures, freezing rain, or poor driving conditions.
Thunderstorm is a form of weather characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect on the Earth's atmosphere known as thunder. Thunderstorms are usually accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain and sometimes snow, sleet, hail or no precipitation at all.
Flooding may occur as a result of excessive rainfall or a building failure; it can cause significant damage to property and poses a risk to personal safety.
Tornado refers to any violent windstorm characterized by a twisting funnel shaped cloud that forms at the base of cloud banks and points towards the ground. Tornadoes form suddenly, are often proceeded my warm humid weather and are always produced by thunderstorms. They generally occur in the late afternoon and early evening from May to September.
Extreme heat
In the event of extreme heat, consider the following:
- If possible, avoid strenuous outdoor activities and limit your exposure to the sun;
- If outside, apply sunscreen uniformly to cover all exposed areas for 15 minutes before exposure;
- Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours;
- Remain hydrated by drinking lots of water;
- Wear a hat to protect the top of your head and face;
- Dress in loose-fitting, lightweight and light-coloured clothes that cover as much of your body as possible; and
- Consider rescheduling outdoor events for cooler times of the day.
Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 immediately if you or a victim is experiencing the following heat-related symptoms or conditions :
- Heat exhaustion;
- Heat stroke;
- Heat cramps;
- Fainting;
- Vomiting;
- Nausea;
- Dizziness;
- Paleness;
- Headaches; or
- Weakness.
Extreme cold
In the event of extreme cold, consider the following:
- Stay indoors as much as possible; and
- Pay attention to reports from local media outlets for information on weather and emergencies.
Dress appropriately when heading outdoors
- Wear several layers of loose fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing;
- Cover your head as most body heat is lost through the top of the head;
- Cover your mouth to protect your lungs;
- Watch for signs of frostbite – loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in extremities such as fingers, toes, ear lobes and the tip of the nose;
- Watch for signs of hypothermia – uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. (If symptoms of hypothermia are detected, get the victim to a warm location and remove any wet clothing. If conscious, warm the centre of the body first by giving warm, non-alcoholic beverages. Seek medical help as soon as possible.); and
- If signs of frostbite or hypothermia are present while on campus, contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone or 905.721.3211 from an external line. They will dispatch the Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) and the appropriate authorities.
Winter storms
Driving during the winter season:
- Avoid travelling alone, and try to keep others informed of your travel schedule and whereabouts;
- If possible, stay on the main roads and avoid using back roads. The busiest roads are typically first to be treated by snow removal crews;
- Before the winter season begins, it is good practice to ensure your vehicle is sufficiently prepared for the impending winter conditions, which includes:
- Checking your battery, ignition system, lights, thermostat, brakes, heating system, exhaust, defroster and oil levels;
- Ensuring you have sufficient antifreeze and windshield washer fluid;
- Ensuring that you vehicle’s gas tank is consistently full;
- Consider using snow tires during the winter to improve traction; and
- Carry a basic vehicle emergency kit in the trunk of your vehicle.
On campus:
Anyone who finds him or herself stranded on campus should remain inside until the storm subsides, and inform security of her or his location. Campus Security can be reached at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 from an external line.
In the event of a thunderstorm:
- Find a safe shelter; avoid being outdoors;
- Do not use a tree as shelter;
- If you are unable to find a safe shelter, and are trapped outdoors, lie in a ditch or any low-lying area with few trees, or crouch near a strong building for shelter;
- Avoid showering or bathing, as plumbing conducts electricity;
- Postpone, cancel or relocate outdoor activities;
- Avoid standing near windows, as glass can be quite dangerous when experiencing extreme winds;
- Use a corded phone only if you or someone around you requires emergency assistance, a cellphone is much safer to use;
- Avoid natural lightning rods, like tall trees or other tall objects in open areas;
- Avoid hilltops, open areas, or waterfronts; and
- Do not use metal objects like golf clubs, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.
In the event of a flood:
- Do not walk through floodwater - it could be electrically charged or contaminated;
- If safe to do so, inform security of the affected area by dialling ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- If possible and safe to do so, shut off power to affected area;
- Move all hazardous materials and vulnerable equipment to above anticipated water line; and
- Never cross a flooded area:
- If you are on foot, fast water could sweep you away; or
- If you are in a car, do not drive through flood waters or underpasses - the water may be deeper than it looks and your car could get stuck or swept away by fast water.
If a tornado strikes, and you are indoors:
- Remain calm and do not leave the building;
- Do not use the elevators;
- If possible, move to the closest small interior room;
- Take cover immediately;
- Stay away from exterior walls, windows, doors or any other objects that could become projectiles;
- If possible, find a sturdy piece of furniture such as a heavy table or desk to use as cover;
- Use your hands to cover your head to avoid serious injury;
- Remain in one area until the storm has passed; and
- Once the storm has passed, if there are any damage or injuries, contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211.
If a tornado strikes, and you are outdoors:
- Do not try to outrun or out drive a tornado;
- If possible, seek a safe structure to hide under;
- If you are unable to seek shelter, search for a low area such as a ditch or depression away from vehicles or other light structures;
- Lie low and use your hands to cover your head to avoid serious injury;
- Remain calm; and
- Once the storm has passed, if there is any damage or injuries, contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 or at 905.721.3211.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs as a result of a workplace accident, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform her or him of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Human Resources, then Healthy Workplace, then Accident/Injury Form. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UNOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Administrative Procedure – Emergency Closure Admin-211.1
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Plan
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure
Environment Canada – Extreme Cold guidelines
UOIT Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Lockdown
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
A lockdown refers to taking refuge in an office or classroom to isolate an individual or group from an exterior threat.
Lockdown is an emergency procedure intended to secure and protect occupants who are at risk from an immediate violent threat. By controlling entry/exit and movement within a facility, emergency personnel are better able to contain and handle any threats. It is essential for the safety of occupants and emergency responders that individuals comply with instructions provided by emergency personnel at all times.
A lockdown will be called for when an active threat is reported and will only be called by a member of the Office of Campus Safety, Emergency Management Response Team or the president(s) after serious consideration. The announcement will be communicated over the Public Address (PA) system and Alertus platform.
When a lockdown is initiated and you are:
- In a classroom, office or room:
- Close, lock or barricade the door;
- Cover all window openings;
- Account for everyone in the classroom or office;
- Shut off all audio/visual equipment and turn off the lights;
- Lie on the floor away from windows and doors;
- Contact Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211 from an external phone, and provide your location and pertinent information;
- Do not permit entry into any room once the door has been secured.
- Do not open the door, even if the identity of the person seeking entry is known to you, unless by prearranged code or unless directed by Campus Security, Durham Regional Police or the manager of Public Safety and Security. (It may be a hostage situation and the attacker is trying to get you to open the door or leave your place of safety.)
- In an open area or washroom:
- If you are near an exit, and it is safe, exit the building. Once outside, do not re-enter the building. Gather at a safe distance off campus.
- If you cannot exit safely, go to the nearest room and follow securing actions;
- Account for everyone in your area;
- Lie on the ground, remain quiet and calm; and
- Follow the directions given by Campus Security and Durham Regional Police Service.
Actions to Avoid
- Do NOT open the door once it has been secured until you are officially advised "all clear" or are certain it is emergency response personnel at the door.
- Do NOT use or hide in the washrooms.
- Do NOT travel down long corridors.
- Do NOT assemble in large open areas (e.g. cafeterias).
- Do NOT call 911 unless you have immediate concern for your safety, the safety of others, or feel you have critical information that will assist emergency personnel in the response.
If the fire alarm sounds during a lockdown:
- Assess your area for signs of fire;
- If no signs of fire, remain in lockdown;
- If signs of fire, evacuate if safe to do so; and
- If you choose to evacuate, use the safest exit.
Following the lockdown:
- Cooperate with emergency personnel to assist in the orderly evacuation
- The police may require individuals to remain available for questioning following the lockdown
- Safety & Security staff and/or Security Officers may be present as you exit the building to provide additional information
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform her or him of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
Security supervisors and the emergency manager are responsible for establishing communication with the Durham Regional Police Service, which has authority governing active threats on campus.
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech U Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Medical Emergency
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
For all medical emergencies
If you or someone else requires medical attention:
- Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone or 905.721.3211 or 911 from an external line;
- Stay Calm;
- Identify any dangers and safeguard the scene (For example, if someone has fallen in the parking lot, ask bystanders to wave any approaching vehicles away);
- Describe the events and condition using as much detail as possible;
- Campus Security will dispatch the Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) and the appropriate emergency responders to your location;
- Perform first aid only if you are trained to do so;
- Remain with the individual until help arrives; and
- Do not move the injured person unless his or her life is endangered by staying in the current location;
- Assist emergency responders and provide any information they request.
If you need first aid for a minor injury:
You may experience a minor injury while on campus — a cut, for example, or an ankle sprain. Our security personnel and Campus Emergency Medical Response Team are trained to provide first aid. Please feel free to stop by the security office closest to your location for help.
In the event the medical emergency relates to poisoning:
- If you have to move the individual from the location of the incident, notify Campus Security of your new location so that the appropriate responders can attend your location.
- If possible, and safe to do so, identify the poison and container.
- If the poison was inhaled:
- Be sure that you do not become a victim;
- Remove the source of fumes if it is safe to do so (e.g. turn off the engine); and
- If necessary, move the victim to fresh air, but be sure to inform Campus Security of your whereabouts so that the campus emergency response team and emergency responders will be able to assist you without delay.
- For poison in contact with the skin or eyes:
- Flood the area with cold running water for at least 15 minutes (flush eyes gently);
- Remove contaminated clothing;
- Do not use chemical antidotes.
- If the poison was swallowed:
- Give milk or water
- For an adult: one to two cups
- For a child: half to one cup
- Only induce vomiting on the advice of health officials;
- To avoid inhalation of vomit, place victims head lower than body;
- If poison is hydrocarbon or corrosive, do not induce vomiting, but do give milk or water.
- Give milk or water
In the event the medical emergency is a seizure:
- Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- Describe the events and condition of the individual using as much detail as possible;
- Do not attempt to stop the seizure – you can’t;
- Remove hazards in the vicinity – clear objects out of the way so that the victim does not injure him or herself;
- Do not put anything in the victim’s mouth;
- A seizure may last from 20 seconds to two minutes;
- When the seizure is over, turn the victim on her or his side, provide a pillow for his or her head, and allow him or her to rest.
Heart attack:
In the event the medical emergency is a heart attack:
- Be aware that the warning signals of a heart attack include:
- Feeling of heavy pressure or squeezing pain in chest, arms or jaws;
- Shortness of breath, pale skin, sweating and weakness;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Abdominal discomfort with indigestion and belching;
- Apprehension, fright, or denial of impending heart attack.
- When you suspect a heart attack:
- Call Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- Describe the events and condition of the individual using as much detail as possible;
- Help the victim to rest, sitting or lying in a most comfortable position;
- Assist the victim to take the dose of medication prescribed for their condition (if applicable);
- Loosen collars, belts, and other tight clothing; and
- Keep victim quiet, but avoid physical restraint.
- If necessary, use the defibrillators located in every major building on campus. Their locations are marked by red signs posted throughout the campus.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
UOIT employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
UOIT Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Power Outage
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
A power outage is a short or long-term loss of electric power to an area. During an extended power outage, you may be without light, heat and hot water. Most power outages will be over almost as soon as they begin, but some can last much longer - up to days or even weeks. Power outages may be caused by freezing rain, sleet storms or high winds which damage power lines and equipment. Cold snaps or heat waves can also overload the electric power system.
If there is a power outage:
- Report power outages to Security immediately at ext.2400 or 905-721-3211 from a mobile or offsite device.
- Stay where you are. Emergency generators will start up automatically and provide emergency lighting.
- If safe to do so, secure any equipment or materials you are working with before leaving the area (i.e., unplug electrical equipment and turn off computers).
- If you live on campus and have insulin or other medications that need to be kept cold, keeping the door of your refrigerator closed will help keep contents cold for a couple of hours. During a prolonged outage please contact Facilities for assistance.
- If evacuation is necessary, follow the direction of emergency personnel.
- If possible, assist anyone having difficulty evacuating. If needed, assist occupants that are unable to evacuate or cannot negotiate the stairs go to the nearest designated Area of Refuge.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) employees can access the form through the ontechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title: Sexual Assault
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Sexual assault is a serious crime. It can happen to anyone regardless of gender or gender identity. Sexual assault is unwanted sexual touching of any kind.
A sexual assault includes sexual contact when there is no consent.
In the event of a sexual assault:
- Notify Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone or 905.721.3211 from an external line;
- Campus Security can also be reached from any of the various Code Blue stations situated around the campus;
- When reporting an assault to security:
- Provide your name, location and clearly state that you need immediate assistance;
- Protect the immediate area; and
- Document and submit all relevant information regarding the situation;
- To obtain best evidence, the person who had been sexually assaulted should not wash her or his hands; shower or douche; brush her or his hair or teeth, or change her or his clothes immediately following the sexual assault.
- If you feel that you have to change your clothing, collect it and place in a paper bag, not plastic, and seal it and take it with you to Lakeridge Health hospital, the Campus Health Centre, a local Residence Assistant or the Security Desk.
Authority and responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all students, faculty and staff to ensure that victims are treated with compassion, respect, empathy and sensitivity.
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and Ontario Tech Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Secure-and-Hold
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Hold and secure is an emergency procedure intended to secure and protect occupants from a violent threat in close proximity to a campus, but not directly targeting the campus.
This procedure is used when it may be more dangerous to evacuate a building than stay inside. It is essential for the safety of occupants and emergency responders that individuals always comply with instructions provided by emergency personnel.
Faculty and staff:
Upon alert to hold and secure:
- Close, lock and monitor exterior doors.
- Close curtains or blinds where possible and lock windows.
- If you are outside, move to the nearest building.
- Remain calm and await further instructions.
- Classes and activities may continue to function normally, however no movement between buildings is permitted.
- Turn off the lights, and cover and stay away from the windows.
Following the hold and secure:
- Cooperate with emergency personnel to assist in the orderly evacuation of the building if required.
- The police may require individuals to remain available for questioning following the hold and secure.
- Safety & Security staff and/or Security Officers may be present as you exit the building to provide additional information.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs as a result of a workplace accident, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The campus Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
Ontario Tech U Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Weapon on Campus
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself
A weapon may be authentic or a replica. It may include a hand gun, rifle or shotgun (loaded or unloaded), knife, edged weapon or anything that may be considered to be able, or held out to be used as a weapon.
When a weapon is reported on a person or in an automobile on campus grounds, students, faculty, staff and visitors are to follow the direction of Campus Security, the emergency manager, Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) members or Emergency Services personnel if on scene. The possession of any weapon is prohibited on campus and may constitute a criminal act.
Faculty and staff:
If a weapon is observed by faculty or staff, or reported to a faculty or staff member:
- Treat the situation as an active threat;
- Assist students and staff to move to and remain in a secure location;
- Report the situation to Campus Security at ext. 2400 from a campus phone or 905.721.3211 from an external line;
- Secure and barricade the classroom and office doors and cover windows, if possible. Keep away from windows and turn lights off;
- Keep everyone in the secure area;
- Faculty and staff are not to investigate the situation further; and
- Take direction only from a police officer, Campus Security officer or the emergency manager.
If faculty members are made aware that a weapon is reported to be on campus grounds, but not an immediate threat:
- Notify Campus Security immediately and take direction from a police officer, Campus Security or the emergency manager; and
- Remain with the person who reported the weapon to you as Campus Security and police will want to speak to you.
If a weapon is observed by a student:
- Report the situation to Campus Security at ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211;
- Follow the direction of faculty, staff, Campus Security and police;
- If faculty, staff and Campus Security are not available, assist students with disabilities and visitors and move to and remain in a secure location;
- If possible, secure and barricade the classroom and office door; and
- Turn off the lights, and cover and stay away from the windows.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs as a result of a workplace accident, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.1), also located on ICE.
Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website.
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.1
UOIT Accident Reporting Procedure
Procedure title:Workplace Violence
Effective date: October 2023
Revision date: October 2025
This procedure provides direction to the campus community when responding to an incident or emergency that may threaten the institution’s processes, the safety of its employees and students, or the facility itself.
Both the college and university have policies and procedures that detail what should and needs to be done in the event of workplace violence. This procedure, while conveying similar information, is only intended for workplace violence that poses an immediate threat, and hence requires a quick response. For a more detailed outline of what should be done in the event you suspect or witness workplace violence, please refer to the workplace violence procedure for your respective workplace. A link to both the Durham College and Ontario Tech University (Ont Tech U) procedures are provided in the reference section below.
Workplace violence refers to any act in which a person injures a worker through the use of physical force, attempts to injure a worker through the use of physical force or threatens to use physical force to injure a worker.
Emergency refers to an immediate concern that physical violence will occur or has occurred.
In the event of an emergency:
- Contact either:
- Campus Security at ext. 2400 or call 905.721.3211 from an external line.
- Durham Regional Police Service at 9-911 from a campus phone, or 911 from an external line.
- If you elect to contact the Durham Regional Police Service, be sure to also inform Campus Security.
In the event of an injury:
In the event an injury occurs as a result of a workplace accident, please contact your immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the incident. Next, you or your supervisor must fill out an Accident/Incident Report Form.
For Durham College employees, the form can be located on the employee intranet, ICE, under Forms, then Human Resources, and Accident, Injury. For more information, please refer to the Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure (EMPL-301.4), also located on ICE.
Ont Tech U employees can access the form through the ontariotechu.ca website. On the homepage, click Faculty and Staff, then Campus Services, and Health and Safety. For more information, please refer to the Accident Reporting Procedure, which is located on the ontariotechu.ca website
Authority and responsibilities
The Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and the Office of Campus Safety will be responsible for enforcing and communicating these procedures to staff and students.
Faculty, staff, and students will be responsible for taking direction from the appropriate authorities and contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Durham College and UOIT Emergency Preparedness Plan & Policy
Durham College Emergency Preparedness Policy ADMIN-211
Durham College Accident Reporting Procedure EMPL-301.4
Durham College Workplace Violence Prevention Procedure EMPL 313.1
UOIT Accident Reporting Procedure
UOIT Workplace Violence Prevention Procedure