
Finding out you’re pregnant

Finding out that you are pregnant can be a life-changing moment. Whether the pregnancy is expected or unexpected, you may have questions about your options, what type of help is available and what the impact of a pregnancy could be on your college education.

Visiting DC’s Campus Health and Wellness Centre or a sexual health clinic can confirm your pregnancy through urine/ blood tests as well as provide resources about your options moving forward. It’s important to remember, pregnancy and parenting do not need to deter you from continuing your educational goals.

When you are pregnant, you have the right to access factual, caring and non-judgmental information and services related to all three of your options: abortion, adoption and parenting.

It’s an important decision to make so you may wish to seek guidance from others. This can include a health-care provider, partner, friend or family member. Each of us has our own needs for privacy and for emotional, physical, economic and spiritual support.

When seeking support it is important that the person is:

  • Knowledgeable and able to provide information or referrals.
  • Non-judgmental.
  • Supportive of whatever you decide.

Whoever you talk to, you should never feel coerced or forced to make a decision that is not your own.

What to expect if you’re pregnant

Pregnancy will be different for everyone; some normal feelings can include:

  • Mixed emotions of excitement and disappointment about having a baby.
  • Feeling like the pregnancy is not really happening.
  • Less or more interest in sex.
  • Being worried that something is wrong.
  • Being worried about labour and birth.
  • Feeling lonely or isolated.
  • Increased anxiety or depression
  • Being tired and uncomfortable.

Pregnancy sometimes includes nausea and vomiting, often starting in the early weeks. This can make it difficult to attend class. It is important during this time that you find a balance between your academic studies and your well-being. Some ways you can take care of yourself include:

  • Taking time to relax.
  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Being physically active.
  • Building a support network.