Campus Health and Wellness Centre Mental Health Services
Residence Outreach Coordinators
With one trained professional located in each residence building, the Residence Outreach program focuses on overall health and well-being to give students the opportunity to make community connections, seek supportive conversations, and prioritize their overall wellness. Aside from daily 1-on-1 appointments available to students, the Residence Outreach program holds weekly events in the lobbies of South and Simcoe Village to bring creativity and excitement to educational and promotional mental health and wellness topics. A calendar of upcoming events can be viewed both in the residence lobbies digital media platform and the residence social media page.
Residence Outreach Services Support with:
- Crisis intervention
- Mental Health Needs Assessments
- Connections to the Campus Health and Wellness Team (physicians, clinic nurses, psychotherapy for DC students, and mental health nurses)
- Community agency connections
- Campus service connections
- Roommate conflicts
- Ongoing mental health concerns
- Onset of mental health concerns
- Isolation
- Responsibility balancing
- Burnout
To connect with Residence Outreach Coordinators:
- Email
- Contact the Campus Health and Wellness Centre
- Visit the front desk of either residence building
- Attend an outreach event, Tuesdays from 1-3pm in South Village Lobby and Thursdays from 1-3pm in Simcoe Village Lobby
Recommended Reading
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, by Robert M. Sapolsky
This is an eye-opener on how stress can cause our bodies to go haywire. Neuroscientist Sapolsky explains the evolutionary purpose of the stress response, and how ours differs from other animals. He delves into why humans have a useful stress response—but one that’s not always used in helpful ways. Written in both an informative but at times humorous tone, the book describes how stress affects your weight, sleep and overall health.
The Miracle of Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh
After reading Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, you’ll want to calm your mind with Hanh’s work. He’s created an inspirational, thoughtful book on meditation and how to live a richer life in every sense of the word. Many of the messages are simple but require mindfulness. For instance, appreciate the present. Hanh’s advice is informed by his own life, his suffering as a Vietnamese monk and his transformation of that suffering as an activist for peace.
The Stress-Proof Brain, by Melanie Greenberg
Prepare to take control of those brain chemicals. Greenberg describes how to put a stop to unhealthy “fight, flight, freeze” responses to chronic stress and become more cognitively and emotionally resilient. She lists out “thinking traps” to avoid and talks to emotional awareness and reducing perfectionism. You’ll leave the book with actionable tips to survive and thrive.
The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World, by Christina Crook
If you find yourself looking at your phone instead of your friends or refreshing your Instagram feed instead of writing that paper, this book is for you. In 2012, award-winning author and TEDx speaker Crook disabled the data on her smartphone, turned off her email and said goodbye to the internet for 31 days. Gasp. Based on her experience, she abandons the concept of FOMO and instead focuses on JOMO and the importance of being involved with the people around us. May we all find technology balance in our lives instead of feeling the compulsion to check our phones multiple times a day … or hour … or minute.
Emotional Intelligence 2.0, by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves
Emotional intelligence, otherwise known as soft skills, is a hot topic as you move into the workplace. These skills are now seen as ideal for everything from leadership to marketing. You might as well start honing your emotional intelligence now. This book teaches you about self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness and relationship management. With this book, you get a code for an online assessment of your emotional intelligence. You’ll also have guidance for how to improve your score.
The Art of Extraordinary Confidence, by Dr. Aziz Gazipura
College comes with presentations, social events and meetings that are undoubtedly hard if you are insecure, shy or just not feeling yourself. This book is honest and full of tips, tools and strategies to improve your confidence, relationships and find deeper meaning in all that you do. It’s one that will benefit you throughout your entire life.
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