Students and alumni have exclusive access to the DC Hired Portal to:
- View job postings;
- View campus Work Study job postings;
- Book individual career coaching appointments;
- Sign up for career events and activities; and
- Find out more about job fairs and employer recruitment activities .
Hired is also fully stocked with resources to assist with our students’ diverse career resource needs, including:
- Labour market information and graduate employment stats, organized by program;
- Booklets and tip sheets on everything from effective job searching to how to write a resume to getting the most out of LinkedIn;
- Links for job seekers who experience or anticipate barriers to meaningful work; and
- Resources for alumni who are entering the workforce or pivoting their careers.
To access the Hired portal, please use your MyCampus ID and password to log in. If you are unable to log in, call IT support at 905.721.3333 ext. 1 to reset your password.