Policies Board of Governors policies As a policy Board, the Board has established governance structures, including written policies that address expected outcomes, executive limitations, the board-president relationship, and how the Board will govern itself. After an extensive governance review which concluded in June 2022, the Durham College Board of Governors approved the following by-laws and policies: View the Board of Governors Policies College policies Durham College is guided by policies and procedures that are designed to protect the rights and responsibilities of its students and employees, and meet institutional requirements, consistent with the Board of Governors’ policy framework, legislative requirements and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. They are reflective of the college’s mission, vision and values and are positioned to support accountability and equality in a respectful post-secondary environment. Academic Grading Framework [PDF - 135 KB] Academic Freedom [PDF - 86KB] Academic Integrity [PDF - 85 KB] Academic Program Review and Renewal – Quality Assurance [PDF - 107KB] Academic Progression [PDF - 126 KB] Academic Hiring Requirements [PDF - 127 KB] Acceptable Use of Information Technology [PDF - 80 KB] Accident, Injury, Illness, Incident and Hazard Reporting [PDF - 206KB] Access to Professional and Part-Time Learning Credit Courses [PDF] Access to Records and Protection of Privacy [PDF - 53 KB] Accessibility - Implementation of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation[PDF – 60 KB] Accessibility - Notice of Temporary Service Disruptions [PDF – 70 KB] Accessibly Formatted Course Materials for Students with Disabilities/Exceptionalities [PDF - 109 KB] Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and Exceptionalities [PDF - 65 KB] Aegrotat Designation [PDF - 90 KB] Alcohol [PDF - 29 KB] All Gender Washroom [PDF - 230KB] Alumni Affairs [PDF - 113KB] Articulation Agreement [PDF - 111KB] Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning [PDF - 652KB] Banking and Investment Activities [PDF - 200 KB] Business and Travel Expense Reimbursement [PDF - 48 KB] Capital Asset Management [PDF - 216KB] Charitable Receipting [PDF - 74KB] Commercial Electronic Messages and Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation [PDF - 135 KB] Commercialization [PDF - 239 KB] Communicating With Employees [PDF - 230KB] Community Elections [PDF - 98KB] Communicating the Death of an Employee or Retiree [PDF - 225KB] Community Outreach [PDF - 118 KB] Computer Purchase Loan [PDF - 40KB] Conflict of Interest [PDF - 42 KB] Convocation [PDF - 244 KB] Cooperative Education [209KB -PDF] Copyright [PDF - 50 KB] Corporate Purchasing Card [PDF - 201KB] Course Outlines [PDF - 25 KB] Credit Transfer and Letter of Permission [PDF - 60 KB] Curriculum Development and Revision – Quality Assurance [PDF - 51 KB] Degree Breadth [PDF - 217KB] Digital and Electronic Signatures [PDF - 86KB] Digital Signage [PDF - 100KB] Domestic Admissions [PDF - 78 KB] Domestic Student Withdrawal and Refund [PDF - 78KB] Donor Directed Student Awards [608KB] Donor Stewardship [PDF - 649 KB] Durham College Investment Activities [102KB] Electronic Imaging and Document Management [PDF - 79 KB] Emergency Communications [PDF - 195KB] Emergency Management Plan [PDF - 123KB] Employee Access to Part-time Courses At a Reduced Fee [PDF - 218KB] Employee Awards of Excellence [PDF - 182KB] Employee Code of Conduct [PDF - 109KB] Employee Emeritus [PDF - 190 KB] Employee Wellness Flex Time [PDF - 205KB] Event Management [PDF - 139KB] Establishing Employee Employer Relationship [PDF - 100 KB] Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans [PDF - 103 KB] External Communications Policy [PDF - 207KB] Faculty Performance Appraisal [PDF - 42 KB] Fair Wage for Construction Contracts [PDF - 25 KB] Fees [PDF] Feedback [PDF - 60 KB] Financial Administration of Funded Research [PDF - 206 KB] Flag Protocol [PDF - 122KB] Forms Management Program [PDF - 96KB] Full-time Student Access to Part-time Programming offered through the Centre for Professional and Part-time Learning [PDF - 41 KB] General Education [PDF - 85 KB] Gift Acceptance Receipt and Acknowledgement [PDF - 601 KB] Grade Appeals [PDF - 41 KB] Graduation [PDF - 50 KB] Green Cleaning - CFCE [PDF - 263 KB] Harassment, Workplace Sexual Harassment and Discrimination [PDF - 200 KB] Honorariums [PDF - 206KB] Honorary Credentials [PDF - 48 KB] Honorific Naming [PDF - 193 KB] Indoor Indigenous Ceremonies on Campus [PDF - 97 KB] Intellectual Property [PDF - 231 KB] International Admissions [PDF -122KB] International Student Withdrawal and Refund [PDF - 200 KB] Information Security [PDF - 98KB] Information Management [PDF - 147 KB] Learning Management System Usage [PDF - 40 KB] Learning Management System Course Retention [PDF - 87KB] Marketing and Advertising [PDF - 190KB] Media Relations Procedure [PDF - 88KB] Medical Leave, Return to Work, Workplace Accommodations [PDF - 200KB] Movable IT Assets [PDF - 80 KB] New Full-time Faculty Development Program [PDF - 201KB] New Program Development and Approval – Quality Assurance [PDF - 85 KB] Occupational Health and Safety [PDF - 80KB] Payment Card Industry Sustainability [PDF - 156KB] Payment Transaction and Recording [PDF - 81KB] Perquisites [PDF - 74 KB] Photography and Videography [PDF - 160KB] Policy and Procedure Development and Renewal [PDF - 90KB] Poster [PDF - 86 KB] Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) [PDF - 60 KB] Procurement [PDF - 77KB] Professional and Membership Fees [PDF - 188KB] Professional Development [PDF - 101 KB] Professional Development Leave Academic [PDF - 196KB] Program Change – Quality Assurance [PDF - 60 KB] Program Learning Outcomes [PDF - 50 KB] Program Suspension [PDF - 120 KB] Prospect Clearance [PDF - 84 KB] Recognition of Student Organizations [PDF - 101 KB] Recording of Learning Activities [PDF - 107KB] Registration [PDF] Remote Work [PDF - 113 KB] Recruitment and Selection [PDF - 94KB] Responsible Conduct of Research [PDF - 93 KB] Risk Management [PDF - 262 KB] Schedule of Authority [PDF - 303 KB] Service Animals [PDF - 108KB] Sexual Violence [PDF - 361 KB] Sexual Violence Annual Report 2023 - 2024 [PDF] Smoke Free Campus and Enforcement [PDF - 73KB] Social Media [PDF - 91 KB] Solid Waste Management - CFCE [ PDF - 171 KB] Space [PDF - 103KB] Students at Academic Risk [PDF - 779 KB] Student Complaints [PDF - 57KB ] Student Conduct [PDF - 45 KB] Student Conduct – Standards for All Learning Environments [PDF - 115KB] Student Data Governance [PDF - 131 KB] Student Death Response [PDF - 169 KB] Student Housing [PDF] Student Mental Health [PDF] Student Out of Province Travel [145 KB] Student Unpaid Work Placement [PDF - 68KB] Student Well-Being and Involuntary Withdrawal [PDF - 100 KB] Tuition Assistance for Dependent Children [PDF - 200KB] Upholding Free Speech [PDF - 95KB] Free Speech Policy Annual Report 2024 [PDF - 125KB] Wearing of a Kirpan [PDF - 96KB] Website [PDF - 96KB] Wireless Networking and Cellular Technology [PDF - 88 KB] Workplace Violence Prevention [PDF - 200 KB]