Board of Governors

Each board of governors of a college of applied arts and technology is responsible for the governance of the college and, as such, is accountable to the students, employees, and communities the college serves for ensuring that it is effectively and appropriately managed to achieve its established mandate and to provide needed services.

The Durham College Board of Governors is comprised of 17 members, including 12 external board members (four of which are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council), four internal board members, one representing each of the student, support, academic and administrative staff constituencies, and the college president.

As outlined in the Ministry Binding Policy Directive on Governance and Accountability, the responsibilities of a college board of governors are to include at a minimum:

  • Establishing governance structures to enable the achievement of expected institutional outcomes with clear lines of communication and internal accountability.
  • Setting the college vision, strategic direction, and overall goals and outcomes within the context of appropriate laws, government policy, and local need.
  • Hiring the CEO (i.e. president), delegating to the CEO accountability for the operation of the college and evaluating the CEO’s performance.
  • Approving the college’s annual business plan, budget, and annual report.
  • Assessing regularly the attainment by the CEO of corporate goals and outcomes, and the effectiveness of the board with respect to governance.
  • Taking appropriate corrective action, as necessary, where expected outcomes or quality of performance are not achieved.

Related Resources

Ministry Binding Policy Directive – Governance and Accountability

If you have a question or comment regarding the Durham College Board of Governors, please contact:

Melissa Pringle, Manager, Board Governance and Privacy
Office of the President
Durham College
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5

T: 905.721.2000 ext. 3292