Following in his parents’ DC footsteps

Category: Student Profiles

When Carter Graham began his studies in the General Arts and Science program at Durham College (DC) last fall, he was carrying on a family tradition.

Both his parents are alumni of the program. His father Andrew graduated in 2006 while his mother Michelle followed in 2008. So, when Carter was considering his own post-secondary options, the path was clear.

“We both had success with that program, and he was a little unsure of what he wanted to do,” explained Michelle. “It’s a good starting point.”

Students in General Arts and Science have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects while earning credits that are transferable towards future post-secondary programs. At the same time, they strengthen the essential academic skills that they’ll need to succeed.

For Carter, the program has come as advertised. He’s immersed himself in the college experience while learning about a variety of topics, from the history of the universe to the history of video games.

“It’s been great,” said Carter. “I’ve met a bunch of people in my program that I’ve become friends with. All the teachers are really good, and everyone is very welcoming. I’ve taken some fun classes. It’s widened my knowledge on certain things.”

It has also helped him narrow his focus as he considers his future prospects. Having always had a passion for astronomy, for instance, he took a course on it to see if it merited further study.

His father had a similar experience in the program.

“It gave me a good overview of different things that I never got to study in high school,” said Andrew. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so it was a great way to get my foot in the door in college, try a bunch of things and see what interested me.”

For him, the journey took him to DC’s Advertising program, while Michelle enrolled in Child and Youth Care. Carter will also be extending his time at DC after graduation, having been accepted into the Trade Fundamentals program for this fall.

For each member of the Graham family, the General Arts and Science program proved to be an important steppingstone on their academic and professional journeys.

“It has great value,” said Michelle. “It helped direct me when I was unsure of what I wanted to do.”

It’s now done the same for her son.

“It’s definitely given me an insight on what interests I could study in the future,” he said.