The road to employment: How one graduate credits his success to the powerful impact of his professors

Graduate Spotlight – REJOY JAMES

When Class of 2023 graduate Rejoy James reflects on his time at Durham College (DC), he’ll always remember his professors and the role they played in helping him land his dream job as a Vendor Compliance and Product Stewardship Analyst at Staples Inc. – even before finishing his final classes and exams.

Rejoy’s new job combines the skills from both programs he completed at DC – Data Analytics for Business Decision Making and Supply Chain Management – Global, where he is part of the first graduating class set to cross the Convocation stage in June.

While the pandemic impacted Rejoy’s experience when he first enrolled at DC in September 2021, the timeliness and relevancy of his programs offered the chance to apply the course materials to real-life scenarios, strengthening his understanding and preparing him to become a career-ready graduate.

We caught up with Rejoy to learn more about his DC experience and plans for the future.


How did DC prepare you to be career-ready?

I owe a lot to my professors at DC because they made my experience so memorable. They are professionals with industry experience, which I found to be one of the best things. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like you’re talking to a professor. They really help you and never shy away from questions.

What led you to further your education at DC?

I always had this idea that I would go into the data analysis field, but after the support I received from my professors, I thought, “What if I take another program at DC?” That’s what led me to the Supply Chain Management – Global program.

What impacts did the pandemic have on your studies and your DC experience?

Since data analysis is programming-based, I was a bit skeptical about how a fully-online program would work, but all the professors were experts at teaching online and communicating with students virtually. Whatever question I had, they had the answer.

In my Supply Chain Management – Global program, we were constantly talking about the pandemic, and how the supply chain was affected. I learned that the supply chain is like the glue that holds all the industries together. For example, we discussed the chip shortage and toilet paper demand and were able to apply the in-class concepts in the real world so we could see how customers would be impacted.

How did your professors help you land your first job before you even graduated?

Many of my professors were willing to go beyond the syllabus and teach us more about how to do things, and how to develop soft skills, such as interviewing. We discussed what questions employers might ask so we could be better prepared. Along with the course material, this career development helped me land my new role at Staples Inc. and I’m very grateful.

How will your DC credentials, along with your previous education support you in your new role?

I never imagined I’d land my first job even before graduating. My new role will combine five of my six credentials and I’m very excited. In addition to my two DC graduate certificates, I hold a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, a Master of Business Administration (Management), a Product Design and Analysis diploma and a Chartered Management Institute Level 7 diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership.

Policing a dream career for Shavine Johnson

Graduate Spotlight – Shavine Johnson

Shavine Johnson has always wanted to serve her community.

From a young age, she believed that a career in policing would be the best way to do that. While she was unable to pursue it in her native Jamaica, relocating to Canada in 2017 gave her another chance to follow her passion.

“I gave up on a dream back then. But when I came here, I realized I could actually act upon my dream.”

That realization brought her to Durham College, where she entered the Police Foundations program in January 2022. Four semesters later, she is ready to cross the stage at convocation and find the job she’s been dreaming about since childhood.

The learning and skills acquired through the diploma program are invaluable stepping stones for anyone considering a career in the field, according to program co-coordinator Mark Armstrong.

“It is an excellent foundation and students gain the life skills that are measured during the hiring process,” he said. “Students get realistic insight into policing through faculty experience, which gives realism to the program and a recipe for success.”

The program emphasizes the importance of physical fitness to prepare students for the demanding career ahead of them. It includes valuable certifications like Mental Health First Aid and Situational Awareness Specialist.

By constantly evolving and responding to community needs, DC has earned a stellar reputation among police organizations, according to Yvonne Armstrong, coordinator of the Advanced Law Enforcement and Investigations program and a professor in Police Foundations.

“Recruiters come to us now with job openings asking for our graduates. Our team has worked hard to improve and raise the bar so that we truly do lead the way,” she said.

It’s no secret that policing is a high-profile (and highly scrutinized) job. In the media as well as pop culture, the dangerous elements get most of the attention. But there’s a lot more to the life of a police officer than danger.

“You have the crime aspect; that’s a big part of it. But you also get to help others. A lot of people neglect the part where you serve the community,” said Johnson. “The reality is a lot of people see police in a bad light, but I wanted to look at the bright side of just serving my community and serving others.”

Though police officers must always strive for a peaceful resolution, they will inevitably deal with people who endanger themselves and others. But even enforcing the law can ultimately be of service to the person breaking it.

The ticket you give someone for not wearing a seatbelt may someday save their life or someone close to them. The individual you arrest for domestic violence may change their course and provide safety for future generations,” said Mark Armstrong. “You must realize that you make a difference that is important.”

While the dangers of policing can’t be denied, Johnson is determined not to let fear stand in her way. There are no safety guarantees in life, so rather than worrying about what might happen, she is already venturing into her community to make a difference. Volunteering at a local food bank allows her to meet the very people she hopes to one day serve and protect.

“We’re all human beings. We’re all capable of love and we all deserve it, and so I treat people with respect and I’m kind to them at all times,” she said.

That compassion, combined with everything she’s learned at DC, will make her the kind of police officer we’d all hope to meet when we’re in need.