Changing career paths as a busy mom: Brittany Hosey’s journey from personal support worker to marketing professional

Brittany Hosey has always had a knack for connecting with people and helping them feel good. From her first job in corporate sales after she graduated high school, to her experience as a stay-at-home-mom with six kids, and even her role as a personal support worker, Brittany has always followed the common thread between her professions – helping and supporting those she serves.

Now, as a Durham College (DC) Honour Roll marketing student preparing to enhance her skills with the advanced marketing diploma, she has her sights on a future career that exemplifies these commonalities. Brittany shared with us how she found her path, juggles motherhood and her education, and her experience at the largest and most prestigious marketing competition for college students.

Why did you choose to take marketing, and now the advanced marketing diploma at DC?
Coming from a sales background, I saw marketing as an opportunity to enhance my sales skills while gaining broader knowledge. DC’s marketing program has helped me round out my skill set, and I feel ready to navigate trends and engage with customers in a strategic way.

I’ve decided to stay an extra year at DC for my advanced marketing diploma because I wanted to take my marketing skills to the next level. This opportunity felt like the perfect way to deepen my knowledge even further and prepare for a successful career.

How do you juggle family life and motherhood with being in school?
As a student, mom, and partner, I’ve really perfected my juggling skills. And although mom guilt occasionally tugs at my heart, I’ve become very intentional about carving out meaningful moments with my children. Self-care is also really important. And although I wear many hats, I’ve learned to use that flexibility to my benefit.

What has your student experience been like at DC?
From day one at DC, I realized DC is more than just textbooks and lectures. It’s a place where personal growth is encouraged and celebrated, and I really needed that for my personal and professional journey.

I also cherish the sense of community and support that surrounds me. Whether it’s the professors’ guidance or the camaraderie among fellow students, DC feels like home. There’s also a sense of familiarity since I lived and grew up nearby.

Tell us about your experience competing at the 2023 Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition (OCMC).
Being part of the OCMC was incredible. The competition – which brings together marketing students from all over Ontario – really allowed me to put my skills to the test and collaborate with an incredible team.

I learned to think efficiently and strategically within set guidelines, and how to work well under pressure. Being there with our team of DC students and faculty was my absolute favourite part of the experience. I am super grateful for the opportunity and am proud of everyone who was involved!

What would you say to someone considering marketing as a new career path?
Marketing is a great career choice for anyone who enjoys creativity, variety, and connecting with people. As a marketer, you can work on exciting projects and make a positive impact on the world. DC’s marketing program is also great if you want to simply enhance your personal or professional brand.

Are you a strategic thinker with a passion for consumer behaviour and digital trends? Check out these marketing programs offered at DC in the Faculty of Business: