Knowledge Synthesis Support Guideline

Durham College Librarians offer a tiered support model for students and faculty working on systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other types of knowledge syntheses. Researchers may begin at Level 2, or may begin with Level 1 consultation and follow to Level 2.

We are able to provide up to 2 consultations total (2 hours) to each student or faculty member. Consultations are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to librarian availability at the time of the request. Due to the preparatory work involved before each consultation, no-shows and last-minute cancellations count towards the 2 hours of support.

Please Note: the average time to complete a systematic review or scoping review is 12+ months from initial consultation to production of the final manuscript (see suggested timelines for a Cochrane Review for reference). If your timelines are shorter, you should consider undertaking a different type of synthesis project or a traditional literature (narrative) review.

Tiered Support Model

Level 1: Introductory Consultation

Level 2: Extended Consultation


The following examples are outside the scope of our services:

  • Searching for existing or ongoing reviews on the same topic
  • Formal peer review of the initial and subsequent database search strategies (PRESS)
  • Developing database search strategies, running the searches, and extracting the results
  • Exporting references to a citation management tool (e.g. Zotero) and assistance with deduplication
  • Screening of studies based on predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Contributing to the Methods section of the final paper
  • Providing copies of search strategies for inclusion in the Appendix
  • Hand searching or gray literature searching
  • Advice on using review software such as Covidence or EPPI-Reviewer as the Library does not subscribe to these tools


If you have any questions or concerns about any of the information in this guideline, please email your subject librarian.

Last Updated: July 29, 2024