The Library has many resources and services that you can access remotely, from ebooks and databases to our online chat service, askON. Librarian Consultations: Online and Email Your Subject Specialist Librarian is available to help you with finding reliable information for assignments, research, and citation guides and tools: Find your Subject Specialist Librarian Book an appointment with your Subject Librarian You can also contact ask ON chat Get research help from anywhere! Use the “Click to chat” button at the bottom of our website to start chatting, or text 289.460.2275 (find hours here). We can help you: Find resources on a topic Locate a specific book or article Use citation guides Online Resources Find ebooks and articles through the Omni Search tool on the Library home page For ebooks, enter your search and select the filters Available online and Books & eBooks Subject-specific databases Streaming videos Research Guides with recommendations of the best resources for your program or subject Sign In from Off-Campus When you are off-campus, select an online resource and sign in with your Student/Staff ID and Network password when prompted. This is the same login you use for DC Connect. Access to the Library’s Print Books and Resources You can request that print resources from the Oshawa or Whitby Campus Libraries be mailed to your home or for in-person pickup at the Oshawa Campus Library. To do so, place a REQUEST in the book record in Omni. More detailed instructions: How to request a book Within the limits of copyright law, the Library can digitize single book chapters and articles. To make a request use the DIGITZATION REQUEST button in the item record in Omni. More detailed instructions: How to submit a digitization request Workshops & Events Check out our online workshops and events. Faculty Tips Consult the Library’s copyright guidelines, which include quick tips for shifting your course from in-person to online. You can also email with questions. Share links to Library online resources with your students, in DC Connect and elsewhere. You can create permanent links to individual resources in a few ways: When starting from a Library database, look for links or buttons on the resource page that say things like “Permalink” or “Embed.” Use the proxy prefix instructions below to build your own permanent links. Use the following proxy prefix before the URL for an online article or other electronic resource that you find: Follow these steps to create stable links to Library e-resources from off campus: Add the proxy prefix to the beginning of the URL: Delete any dashes or hyphens from the resource’s base URL and replace with dots, following normal URL conventions: Becomes: Remove proxy information from the middle of the resource URL, if present: Becomes: If you have difficulty or need assistance, please contact for support. Contact Us For further assistance, contact us at