Get a Library Card
Full-time and part-time students, faculty and staff

Your student/staff photo ID card or digital ID serves as your library card. Durham College students and staff members must present current identification for library privileges.

If you do not have Durham College ID, refer to this page on how to obtain campus ID for further information.

Research assistants

Faculty can request library privileges for staff hired as a Research Assistant with the expectation that the requesting faculty member will take responsibility for all charges incurred. The faculty member is required to contact the library at to make their request. The privileges provide access to print collections only and the research assistant will be contacted once privileges have been issued.

Alumni, community borrowers, & high school students

Free annual library membership upon presentation of valid ID (Alumni card, driver’s licence, student photo ID card or student digital ID). This membership does not entitle the holder to borrow high-demand material, remote access to electronic databases, or to Interlibrary Loan or Reciprocal Borrower services. The cardholder is responsible for all items borrowed on the card and the card is not transferable.

Students, faculty, & staff from other Ontario colleges

Free library membership for the current academic year upon presentation of a valid photo ID and your college student, staff or faculty ID. This membership does not entitle the holder to borrow high-demand material, remote access to electronic databases or to Interlibrary Loan services.