Important Information Please note: For all medical appointments students must possess and bring a student card and a valid health card. Please see preparing for your visit for more information. Please give 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment at the CHWC. Some providers bill for a no show fee if proper notice is not given. – cancellations are accepted via telephone and/or email. Review the Important information section for price breakdown of fees. ATTENTION DC INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS- before you book a medical appointment please read important information here: Preparing for your visit Students must possess and present a student identification card and a valid health care insurance card. International and out-of-province students must bring a printed copy of their health care insurance coverage card. Please ensure that your card is not expired. Appointments are intended for a single health concern and are approximately 10 minutes in length. Multiple health concerns may require more than one appointment. Inform the receptionist of any changes in your personal health information or contact information. Parking Validation: Parking can be validated in the Champions North and South parking lot for the duration of your appointment. Please ask the front desk for parking validation and supply your license plate number. Cancelation Information 24 hours notice must be given to cancel an appointment or you will be charged: $40 for medical appointments $25 for nursing appointments CHWC accepts cancelations via telephone and or email. Consent Forms for Authorization for release of medical There are 3 separate consent forms that are used for various reasons, please review details of reasons below. Printed version: Use this form if you are printing this consent and bringing it into CHWC. Electronic version: Use this form if you are filling out your consent online and sending via email. Consent for Access of Personal Health Information Purpose: This form permits individuals to view or obtain their own personal health information. The requested records will be sent or delivered to the individual requesting access. LINK TO PRINTABLE VERSION LINK TO ELECTRONIC VERSION Consent to the Disclosure of Personal Health Information to a Third-Party Purpose: This form authorizes CHWC to release, transfer, provide, or share your personal health information directly with a third party. Examples of third parties include another health care provider, an insurance company, or a lawyer. LINK TO PRINTABLE VERSION LINK TO ELECTRONIC VERSION Consent to the Disclosure of Personal Health Information to Medavie Blue Cross Purpose: This form is for DC international student only to authorize CHWC to disclose your personal health information to Medavie Blue Cross (your insurance provider) for the purpose of ascertaining your eligibility for insurance coverage if required. LINK TO PRINTABLE VERSION LINK TO ELECTRONIC VERSION DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that submitting your request to release personal health information via email carries certain risks. While efforts have been made to secure the transmission of information, email communication may not be entirely secure. By sending your request via email, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks associated with electronic communication. Please consider the method of submission that best suits your preferences and risk tolerance. By proceeding with your request via fax, email or in-person delivery, you understand and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer. Printed copies are also available at the Campus Health and Wellness Centre. Please note, proof of identification and/or a fee may apply that must be paid before the request is processed. Covid 19 Self-Assessment Have any symptoms of illness or test positive for COVID-19? Take this self-assessment, and you will be advised as to what to do next. The self-assessment is meant as an aid and cannot diagnose you. Anyone who is sick or has any symptoms of illness, including those not listed in this self-assessment tool, should wear a mask if needing to visit the CHWC. Entry Immunizations Form (EIF) Completing your EIF (Entry Immunization Form) EIF completion appointments should be made 4-6 weeks before your forms are to be submitted to Synergy. Before your first appointment: locate the Durham College EIF online, it can be found here: Read pages 1 and 2, instructions for completing the form Complete the on-line fillable portion on the EIF with your personal and course information Click on the PRINT button On your first appointment bring: The EIF form Your immunization records If you are an Ontario resident, and you do not have your immunization records, access the public health unit where you had your childhood vaccines: a list of all Ontario Public Health Units can be found here! If you are born in the Durham Region you can access your records through this Durham Regional Health Department Durham Health Connection 1-800-841-2729 International Students: If you do not have documentation of childhood vaccinations, bloodwork will be taken to check your immunization status. It will take 4 – 5 appointments and at least 2 weeks to complete your EIF forms There is a fee to complete the form, this will be billed at your first appointment Tb testing is not available on Thursdays Once complete, you are responsible for scanning and sending your forms to Synergy. If you are in a program that does not use Synergy, we recommend you take a photo copy of your form before handing it in to your placement officer. Employees As a DC and OTU employee you have access to our Medical Clinic. You will need to supply proof of Health Care Insurance and or Extended Health Benefit Insurance. Employees do not have access to the Mental Health Services. Please visit your respective Human resources for more information. For DC employees supporting DC students navigating mental health, learn more here. DC Students at Whitby Campus Reminder: students attending classes at Whitby campus have full access to the Medical Clinic at Oshawa Campus. Our Mental Health Services at Whitby Campus is located in The Don Lovisa Building, Room 180. Learn more about our Mental Health Services.