“The number of roles are just endless”: How DC is preparing students for in-demand jobs in the food and beverage industry

The food and beverage industry is on a hiring spree and Durham College (DC) students are gaining the hands-on skills and experience employers are looking for.

Food Processing Skills Canada reports that roughly 300,000 people work in the industry and that number is expected to grow to 325,000 by 2030. However, with more than 65,000 people set to retire and existing vacancies, the industry needs to attract 142,000 workers in the next seven years, causing companies across the country to begin hiring.

“The number of roles are just endless,” said Wendy Smith, a food science and technology professor in DC’s Food and Farming program. “If you look on a job website like Indeed right now, there are so many positions for quality control technicians, quality assurance technicians, product development and production management positions, machine operators, and process technologists—it just goes on and on.”

On the horticulture side, potential jobs include farm supervisor, labour supervisor, jobs in agritourism and much more.

Smith explains numerous DC programs prepare students for food and beverage industry jobs including Culinary Management and Horticulture – Food and Farming but also programs like Biotechnology and the skilled trades.

“If you talk to the skilled trades people, millwrights machine operators, electricians, HVAC workers, and plumbers, they're all going to have roles in food manufacturing,” said Smith.

Kelly O’Brien, Associate Dean for the Faculty of Hospitality and Horticultural Science at DC says it’s important for prospective students to understand the large number of pathways in the food and beverage industry.

For example, a culinary graduate may not become a chef.

“We hired a new faculty member in the fall and he’s like I need three people now, stat, to work in food production and manufacturing and he was looking for culinary students,” she said.

Entrepreneurship is also a major pathway for students in the Food and Farming program with about 25 per cent launching an entrepreneurial endeavour.

Smith is a DC alumna and was part of the first graduating class of the Food and Drug Technology program. She went on to a career in research development and product development with companies like General Foods (now Kraft) and Nestle. She said when she speaks to people in her industry, they often say they fell into a career in food science. She believes there should be more awareness of the great career possibilities.

“My whole career has been in food science, and I'm really happy with the career. There have been so many different types of opportunities and I've been able to grow creatively and also in terms of management and leadership skills.”


Careers in a bottle

It can take up to 24 different careers to create DC ketchup including chefs, horticulturalists, food safety technicians, food product developers, sales and marketing and so much more! Explore DC’s Story of Food and imagine the possibilities.

Changing career paths and preparing for the in-demand skilled trades industry

Graduate spotlight: Kathryn Fullerton

After beginning her bachelor’s degree in criminology and justice, Kathryn Fullerton felt lost and confused about her future. In search of a new challenge, she applied for the Electrical Techniques program at Durham College (DC) and hasn’t looked back.

“I finally feel like I am headed in the right direction towards developing a career that I find engaging and exciting, and a life I can be proud of,” she says.

Now, as a new graduate, we chatted with Kathryn about her experience at DC, the Canerector Scholarship she received, and her future goals.

What was your favourite part about being a DC student?

My favourite part about being a student was knowing that DC collaborates with community partners. This really helped me learn the skills employers are looking for. Durham College also adapts with industry changes, which helped me feel confident that I would be well-prepared to enter the workforce.

What are you most grateful for from your time at DC?

I am grateful for all the people that I got to meet and connect with. From the amazing professors whose encouragement helped me feel confident in myself and my abilities to the friends I made along the way. It really helped knowing that my professors – who have such vast experience in the field – believed in me. They helped me believe in myself.

What would you say to other female students who are interested in taking the same program as you?

I always felt respected at DC. Sometimes it can feel daunting to be only one of a few females in a class, but I knew I deserved to be there! To another female interested in taking the same program, or any of the other skilled trade programs, I would say go for it. This is a viable career option that’s extremely fulfilling.
What did it mean to you to be a recipient of the Canerector Scholarship?

I was so happy to be selected as one of the Canerector Scholarship recipients. It made a huge impact on my time at DC, the extra financial help made a big difference and helped me focus more on my studies.  I also felt recognized for my hard work. It really made me feel excited for my future in the skilled trades.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

After graduation I am looking forward to entering the workforce and beginning my journey towards a career I can be proud of. I plan to obtain my electrical journeyman’s license and eventually become a master electrician. After finally finding a career path I am excited for, I am really happy to be starting this new chapter of my life.

Are you ready to start your career in the skilled trades? Check out these popular programs offered at DC in the Faculty of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship: