Top Habits of Successful Online Learners: Strategies and Techniques

Durham College’s Professional and Part-time Learning is a provincial leader in the development and delivery of online programs and courses. Our virtual classrooms are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Online learning has been providing students with a flexibility to update their skills, discover a new talent or chart a career path at their convenience.

However, this flexibility also brings its own set of challenges, such as maintaining motivation and focus. To overcome these challenges, successful online learners adopt certain habits and strategies.

In this blog, we will highlight the top habits of successful online learners and how you can implement them into your online learning journey.

  1. Designated Study Space: While online learning allows you to study from anywhere, creating a designated study space that is free from interruptions helps minimize distractions and provides a conducive environment for learning.This helps to establish a routine and a sense of discipline, which in turn can boost productivity and focus, making it easier to switch into, “study-mode.”
  2. Consistent Schedule: Consistency and time management are key habits of successful online learners, and scheduling and time blocking are two effective strategies for achieving these habits. By focusing on smaller, achievable goals, you can stay motivated and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be completed.Time blocking, involves breaking down your day into specific blocks of time and assigning specific tasks to each block. This helps you prioritize your time, avoid distractions, and stay focused on what you need to do to complete your coursework and achieve your learning goals while avoiding procrastination and fatigue.
  3. Actively Participating: Participating in online discussions is an excellent way to deepen your understanding of the course material and connect with your peers and instructors. This can help you clarify any misunderstandings or confusion, as well as expand your knowledge through the perspectives and experiences of others.Asking questions is also an important aspect of active participation. If you are unsure about a concept or need additional clarification, don’t be afraid to ask. This shows that you are engaged and invested in your learning, and it also helps you to gain a better understanding of the course material.
  4. Keeping Yourself Accountable: Staying accountable helps to ensure that you are making progress and meeting your learning goals. You can adopt several strategies, such as creating a system to track your course materials, assignments, and deadlines. This system could be a physical or digital planner, or you could use an app or software to help you keep track of your progress.Ultimately, the key to staying accountable is to be intentional and proactive about your learning experience so you can ensure that you are making steady progress towards your goals.

In conclusion, success in an online classroom setting requires both efficient study habits and tactics to enhance your educational journey. By adopting the successful practices of other online learners, you can improve your experience and reach your goals.

Durham College’s Professional and Part-time Learning offers a range of online learning options to fit your career development needs. Discover the right program for you and take your career to the next level.