How to Prepare for Placement

By: Jason Svendsgaard

If you are in school for a health science or community job you will probably have to do one of these if you haven’t already. A placement is more or less an internship that counts as a class. It is usually a pass or fail. For the Practical Nursing program we go into hospitals and work with real clients and provide them care (with supervision of course).

Where to Begin?

It’s Monday, you start on Thursday, and you think you’re ready. You’ve been hitting the books, maybe making some cue cards, what can stump you? You’re on fire like Katniss Everdeen. Well, until your teacher asks you how you’re supposed to introduce yourself to a client. WHERE IN THE TEXTBOOK WAS THAT?!?!

The Very Next Day…

Crisis adverted; you collaborated with your peers. The brain trust prevails! It’s two days before but it’s never too early to get your things together right? I mean what if you forget something and then your instructors hate you for the rest of your days… That’s not going to happen though! You’re an unstoppable machine of readiness! Stethoscope? Check! Blood pressure cuff? Check!! 47 page school placement guide? 47 page school placement guide? Bueller? Bueller? Oh no…

The Day Before Tomorrow

T’was the night before placement when all through the house not a creature was stirring except you who can’t sleep with visions of malpractice dance through your head! Stop! You found that guide. You’ve gotten all your stuff laid out for the day ahead. You are actually ready this time. How can you cease these images? Light bulb! Grab that MP3 player and crank it to 11. It’s time to close your eyes and sleep. You needn’t worry now.

All’s Well That Ends Well

In the end all the preparations worked out and my first placements shifts work. I was not only prepared and ready for the challenges ahead of me but I did it with a level head! Hopefully not just for the last week but for the many more to come!