Nominations open for DC student Board of Governor representative

Are you the new student voice of Durham College?

The college’s Board of Governors (BOG) is now encouraging full-time students who feel they demonstrate leadership and can provide a strong student voice to run for the position of student governor.

Along with all board members, the student governor is accountable to the students of Durham College, their employer, the government of Ontario and the communities the college serves by ensuring that the college is effectively and appropriately managed to achieve its mandate and provide needed services. As a student governor, you are a full voting member involved in decision making for college policies.

The BOG is accepting nominations for a new student representative for the 2013-2014 academic year until Friday, March 8, with elections taking place Monday, March 11 to Friday, March 15.  

Take this opportunity to represent your fellow students – nominate yourself or someone you know today! For more information, please visit the student governor web page or contact Jennifer Clark, board secretary, at ext. 3292 or