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Continue to explore how businesses manage their important processes using enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. In their second year, students completed "Introduction to Business Processes", where they were introduced to the basic functionality of SAP, the market leading ERP software system. Now, in COMP5200, participants will continue to explore how SAP can be used to help a business run its operations efficiently, and to provide all users access to real-time data for decision making. The focus is on the more advanced SAP functionality, particularly as it relates to the master data and transactional data associated with procurement, material requirements planning, production planning, and warehouse management. There will be significant "hands-on" time in the SAP system, allowing students to continue to develop their understanding of how SAP is used in real businesses. COMP5200 is the second of the three courses in the Supply Chain & Operations Management Advanced Diploma program that, upon completion with a minimum grade of 70%, contributes to attainment of the SAP Student Recognition Award.
March BreakProgram Showcaseand Tours March 10 to 14