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This is the fourth and final practicum course providing students with the opportunity to work in their own experiential music industry. Students carry on working in their enterprises to achieve the goals of their respective business plans. Each student is required to complete a minimum of 30 approved practical, hands-on working hours by completing tasks related to their role in their enterprise. Students continue in leadership roles and the mentoring of first-year students. They must also set and work on new, individual course-related learning goals, and complete course assignments, all of which will pertain to the business aspects of the music industry. Enterprises may also work on approved, music/entertainment-related projects/activities for the Music Business Administration/Management program, the DC student association, community organizations, and other college programs and clubs. Students are required to follow established procedure as dictated by the MBA/MBM process, which will aid in their refining skills and knowledge valuable in the music business, including essential collaboration and communication skills. Students must pass the course by achieving the required number of approved work hours and passing written assignments. Work completed in this course will provide (unpaid) real-work experience which can be featured on students' resumes.
March BreakProgram Showcaseand Tours March 10 to 14