Scholarship, Bursaries & Awards Information


Bursaries are awarded based on financial need. Occasionally, there may be other requirements for qualification such as membership in a certain organization or enrollment in a specific program. Students must be in good academic standing to receive a bursary. Before applying for a bursary, you should investigate all other forms of financial assistance including:

  • OSAP
  • Part-time employment
  • Scholarships
  • Student line of credit


Who is eligible to apply?

  • Full-time students attending Durham College
  • Students who are Ontario residents
  • Students who demonstrate financial need

Registered students can locate the Durham College General Bursary Application via MyDC  under the Financial Aid and Awards tab self service links. Students complete one application per academic year, applications open in week 1 of each semester



Degree Program Entrance Awards

Degree Programs

Degree Program Entrance Awards

All eligible applicants to a degree program for the 2023-2024 academic year, with a combined minimum non-weighted average of 75 percent and higher, will be considered to receive a first-year entrance award:

  •  75% average – $500
  •  80% average – $1,500
  •  85% average – $2,000
  •  90% average – $3,000

For more information, please contact Admission Services.

For more details about Durham College’s comprehensive award program, visit the following link: Awards program.

Durham College Scholarship program


No application is required.
Awarded to the top 2 students registered in each 2 and 3-year full-time post-secondary diploma programs.
Scholarships are based on year 1 and 2 grades, students must be returning to the same program for year 2 or 3.
Successful students are notified via their DCMail e-mail  no later than the end of March each year.


Donor awards are available through the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations in the community. The donor participates in determining the criteria and name of the award.


External awards are offered to students from outside sources. For additional scholarship and bursary opportunities, visit the following links:

These links will open in a new window.


If you are experiencing an emergency financial situation, set up a time to meet with a financial aid officer in the Financial Aid and Awards office in Room SSB205. We will help you understand your options,


Monday and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Students with a Durham College issued student number can make an appointment directly to see a Financial Aid coach through the myVisit website at or by downloading the myVisit mobile app through Google Play or App Store.

Students who have not yet been issued a Durham College student number are required to email to arrange for an appointment with a Financial Aid Coach.


Financial Aid:
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards: