Pathways: International

Are you seeking an adventurous path to further your post-secondary education? An opportunity that combines travel, culture, and study into one?

There are a number of opportunities for you to further your education outside of Canada. Durham College is currently partnered with institutions in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia. Check out the Durham College Transfer Guide to learn more.

In addition to formal transfer agreements established between Durham College and international institutions, an agreement between Colleges Ontario and The Technological Higher Education Association of Ireland (THEA) allows Ontario College graduates to complete an honours degree in Ireland. You could earn a degree in as little as one additional year of study for a three-year advanced diploma and two years of study for a two-year diploma. As part of the agreement, the Irish Institutes are also offering a tuition reduction for Ontario graduates. Learn more at the THEA website.

Studying abroad could allow you to discover new cultures, explore your ancestry, meet new people, and spend an extended amount of time traveling and seeing the world. Not only will you have the adventure of a lifetime; studying abroad and gaining international experience will also give you a competitive edge when entering the job market.

If you’re studying in a field with an accreditation body, ensure your international credential will be recognized prior to initiating your studies.