Library News Archive Bypass those paywalls!Read the news for free through the Canadian Newsstream database. Access current Canadian news content from all the major Canadian newspapers, including The Globe and... Transgender Day of RemembranceEvery November 20 is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It is a day to honour the memory of transgender people whose lives were lost in... November 12 to 18 is Métis WeekMétis Week celebrates the heritage, history and contributions of Métis people. The Métis are a distinct Indigenous people with a unique history, culture, language, and... We Are All Treaty PeopleThis annual week honours the importance of understanding and respecting treaty rights and relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. It is a part of the... Do you love horror movies and haunted houses?Even when we know it’s not real, we still get frightened and enjoy it. And there’s an evolutionary reason why some people and animals enjoy... September 30 is Orange Shirt Day & the National for Truth and Reconciliation DayOrange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a time for learning and reflecting on Canada’s involvement in the former Indian... Science Literacy Week is September 18 to 22It’s Science Literacy Week, and the theme this year is ENERGY! You can’t always see it, but energy is everywhere. It can be kinetic, thermal,... Whitby Library hoursBeginning September 20, the Whitby Campus Library will be open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Our live askON chat is available every... New Resource: Hein Online Academic CanadaAttention students in legal programs! Welcome to Hein Online Academic Canada. This resource provides access to legal journals, primary sources, legal dictionaries and other key... New resource: ProQuest One PsychologyDurham College students, faculty, and staff can now access a new database, ProQuest One Psychology! This includes access to scholarly journals, ebooks, therapy videos, dissertations,... « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 … 15 »