App Pilots / Educational Technology Sandbox

eCampusOntario is providing all Ontario post-secondary institutions with an Educational Technology Sandbox, as part of the province’s Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS). Durham College has chosen to take part in this EdTech Sandbox initiative; they have provided funding and support in acquiring select educational technology tools to explore and test throughout the fall and winter terms. We will be piloting four educational technology tools: Kahoot, Miro, Pivot Interactives, and peerScholar.

Kahoot! Pilot

Kahoot is an educational technology tool designed to increase engagement in the classroom. Through its game-based platform, it allows educators to quickly administer quizzes, discussions, surveys, and more.

During the fall and winter semesters, we will be supporting faculty who have chosen to participate in this pilot through a virtual Community of Practice which will provide a repository of resources in how to use Kahoot and a space for asynchronous discussion designed for peer-to-peer learning. In addition, we will be offering a synchronous session each month to discuss the features of Kahoot, examine its impact on engagement in the classroom, and assess its contribution to learning.

Our participation with the eCampusOntario Sandbox EdTech Pilots has provided us with a limited number of licenses to be distributed to faculty on a first come, first-served basis.

If you are interested in being part of this pilot, please accurately complete this MS Form by September 10th.

Miro Pilot

Miro is an online collaborative whiteboarding platform that can support student engagement and collaboration. It provides numerous templates from brainstorming charts to SWOT analysis tables for educators to use in supporting students learning.

If you are interested in enhancing your digital delivery with Miro for the fall and/or winter semesters, consider taking part in this pilot. We will be providing a virtual space for colleagues to discuss how they are using Miro to support engagement in virtual learning. In addition, we will be offering a monthly synchronous session focused on using Miro and integrating it into your teaching pedagogy.

If you are interested in being part of this pilot, please accurately complete this MS Form by September 10th.

Pivot Interactives Pilot

To keep up with the ever-changing technology landscape and to support the increasing importance of STEM education, CTL is committed to exploring
opportunities to pilot educational technologies that might promote active learning and increase learners’ engagement.

Pivot Interactive has the potential to do this by offering a simple way to use active learning for science. Through interactive video, hands-on learning with sensors, and interactive simulations, pivot interactives is a digital tool that an boost engagement in the classroom and support student learning.

Through eCampusOntario EdTech Sandbox opportunity, we are conducting a pilot of Pivot Interactives to explore this tool within our teaching and learning. For more information on this tool please visit their website. If you are interested in joining the pilot, please email by September 10th.

peerScholar Pilot

PeerSchoar supports the development of students’ critical and creative thinking skills. Through creation, evaluation, and reflection stages, students assess their own strengths and challenges as well as provide constructive feedback to peers based on set parameters. These experiences support students’ thinking and analysis skills.

This tool has been made available in DC Connect as an LTI integration. PeerScholar will be providing support, such as webinars and documentation, to support your use of this tool during the pilot.

If you would like to be part of this pilot during the fall and winter, please complete this MS Form by September 10th. Your name will be added to a mail list used to communicate resources and supports.