Additional Feedback

SFQ Questions

The following statements/questions could be asked for student feedback.

  1. You feel connected to the faculty member.
  2. The course materials are helpful in understanding the course (e.g., presentations, industry links, simulations, worksheets).

Do the students feel connected to faculty?

This section is a direct link back to the Student Engagement and Report SFQ section. By increasing the student engagement and report in your classroom, you should see an increase in this section as well.

Do the students find the course materials helpful (e.g., Presentations, worksheets)?

This section is supported by the suggestions within the Organization SFQ section, but also extends to the physical materials you provide students. Continual review of your course materials will ensure that students find them helpful. If you are using a textbook, ensure that you are using the most current version, or even consider looking into an Open Education Resource.