CTL Studio The CTL offers in-house multimedia and studio services to support all our DC faculty through the CTL Studio. We Create Awesome Multimedia-ness Notice an area that students are struggling to understand? Generic YouTube just not cutting it? Let us work with you to produce a variety of assets to compliment your existing course content! The highly skilled members of our team will make beautiful and engaging digital content for your courses, including animated video, live action videos, 360 tours, simulations, and more! CTL Studio SERVICES include: Live action videos Green screen videos Animated videos 360 interactive videos 360 hot spot tours Photography Custom graphics and resources (i.e. infographics) Interactive learning objects Custom simulations HTML learning objects Screen recordings with narration AODA compliance video support, such as transcription or closed captioning services ... plus much more! Looking for samples of our work? VIEW PORTFOLIO Meet the CTL STUDIO Team Jonelle Arendoque Multimedia & Digital Project Lead Erin Banit Multimedia Specialist Tyler Perras Multimedia Specialist / eDeveloper Visal Chea Senior eLearning Developer Ready to work with us? To initiate or discuss a potential project, please connect with: Jonelle Arendoque / Multmedia & Digital Project Lead Contact Us: T: 905-721-2000 ext 2164 tanya.wakelin@durhamcollege.ca