Digital Learning Steering Committee

As of October 2023, the Digital Learning Taskforce transitioned to the Digital Learning Steering Committee.

Higher education is impacted by the continuous advances in technologies that are transforming industries and the way people interact with one another. Modernizing our programs is critical to continue offering experiences that ensure our graduates are futureproof and possess the durable skills enabling them to adapt to the everchanging workforce.

The Digital Learning Steering Committee (DLSC) is a standing committee that advances the vision outlined by the Digital Learning Taskforce:

Photo of a smartphone with "DC Vision" appearing on the screen.

DC programs and learning spaces offer flexible, accessible, high quality, and digital-by-design educational experiences to support the development of 21st century skills.


Durham College (DC) programs offer flexible, accessible, high quality, and digital-by-design learning experiences to support the development of 21st century skills.

The DLSC will use DC’s Digital Learning Framework to guide its discussions. The framework informs strategic decision-making and the re-imagination of the design, development, and delivery of DC’s curriculum and instructional approaches. This modernization will enable DC to meet the increasing demands of learners who are looking for choice and flexibility, as well as upskilling opportunities (Johnson, 2022; Canadian Digital Learning Research Association, 2020, 2021; EDUCAUSE Horizon Report, 2022, 2023). This will open opportunities for learners to access DC’s quality postsecondary education that will equip them with the skills to become the next generation of leaders in their chosen professions.

In this section

Mandate and Responsibilities

Reporting to the Executive Vice-President, Academic, the DLSC is responsible for the implementation of the college’s Digital Learning Strategy. The DLSC makes recommendations, as well as coordinates and creates resources that support Academic Faculties to assess, design, develop and deliver high-quality and innovative programs in digital delivery modes.

  • Evaluate and revise the Digital Learning Framework regularly to maintain relevancy
  • Create and coordinate resources that modernize curriculum development and delivery
  • Coordinate and create processes and resources that guide the development and evaluation of digital-by-design online, hybrid, and flexible courses as well as technology-enhanced learning
  • Develop plans and resources to build capacity in faculty members and students for digital teaching and learning
  • Communicate and champion digitally-enhanced learning opportunities
  • Identify wrap-around supports for all learners
  • Integrate digital technology to create innovative programs with Academic Faculties
  • Evaluate and recommend technical requirements to support high-quality teaching and learning experiences and learning spaces for students and faculty members


The membership reflects key stakeholders across the college who lend their expertise and insight into the DLSC’s recommendations and coordination. Membership is renewed annually as required.

  • Tanya Wakelin (Chair)
    Director, Teaching & Learning [CTL]
  • Amanda Maknyik
    Dean [CTL]
  • Laura Benninger
    Faculty Representative [SEIT]
  • TBD
    ORSIE Representative
  • Rebecca Black
    Administrative Assistant (Record Keeper) [CTL]
  • TBD
    International Education Representative
  • Nancy Martin
    Associate Dean [BUS]
  • Dr. Mojgan Rezvani
    Executive Dean [HS]
  • Nora Simpson
    Executive Dean [PPL]
  • Janse Tolmie
    ITS Representative
  • Bandihi Sethi
    Faculty Representative [SCS]
  • TBD
    Student Representative
  • Laura Benninger
    Faculty Representative [SEIT]
  • Melanie Hewitt
    ORSIE Representative
  • Kendra Hambly
    Administrative Assistant (Record Keeper) [CTL]
  • Thom MacDonald
    International Education Representative
  • Nancy Martin
    Associate Dean [BUS]
  • Dr. Mojgan Rezvani
    Executive Dean [HS]
  • Nora Simpson
    Executive Dean [PPL]
  • Janse Tolmie
    ITS Representative
  • Jason Vassell
    Faculty Representative [SCS]
  • Chirag Jain
    Student Representative

Working Groups

Working groups are formed to align with the enablers in the Digital Learning Framework to identify and create resources, and make recommendations to the DLSC. The Manager, eLearning [CTL] is responsible for the coordination of working groups and deliverables.



Pedagogy & Quality

Revise DC's course outline tool to support the needs of digital modalites.
Development Period: Fall 2024 & Winter 2025
  • Tanya Wakelin
  • Lori Buscher
    CTL Representative
  • Morgan Chapman
    Faculty Representative [LS]
  • Tania Clerac
    Executive Dean [SEIT]
  • Lorraine Closs
    Faculty Representative [SCS]
  • Amy Derdall
    Admin Coordinator [LS]
  • Amanda Maknyik
    Dean [CTL]
  • Nancy Martin
    Associate Dean [BUS]
  • Clarinda McGrane
    Registrar Representative
  • Brad Reid
    Scheduling Representative
  • Dr. Mojgan Rezvani
    Executive Dean [HS]
  • Lisa Robinson
    Associate Dean [SCS]
  • Chris Waduck
    PPL Representative

Faculty Development & Support

Develop and launch three new Faculty Professional Development programs for online, hybrid, HyFlex and flexible course development and delivery.
Development Period: Winter 2025
  • Tanya Wakelin
  • Danelle Driscoll-DaSilva
    CTL Representative
  • Moreen Fearon-Tapper
    Associate Dean [MAD]
  • Ralph Hofmann
    Executive Dean [SCS]
  • Jennifer Labatte
    Faculty Representative [BUS]
  • Ron McLeod
    Executive Dean [SCS]
  • Tully Privett
    PPL Representative
  • TBD
    Faculty Representative [SEIT]

Student Development & Support

Revise DC Connect homepage and menu options; Establish a uniform course navigation menu in DC Connect for a consistent and high-quality digital learning experience; Refresh student orientation resources to ensure alignment with digital delivery modes; Enhance academic integrity resources for online students.
Development Period: Winter 2025
  • Tanya Wakelin
  • TBD
    Student Representative
  • TBD
    ASC Representative
  • TBD
    SALS Representative
  • TBD
    RO Representative
  • TBD
    International Education Representative
  • TBD
    Student Affairs Representative
  • TBD
    Library Representative
  • TBD
    ORSIE Representative
  • CTBD
    PPL Representative
  • David Swerdfeger
    Faculty Representative [LS]
  • TBD
    Faculty Representative [STA/HHS]
  • Molly Westland
    Faculty Representative [HS]
  • Tara Brodie
    Faculty Representative [BUS]


To support sustainable and streamlined technical infrastructure, implement a Course Content Repository (CCR) that facilitates access and consistency in curriculum; Investigate development of integrated quality assurance tool for DC Connect courses to complement the Online Course Quality Rubric, assisting faculty in pinpoining areas of success and identifying opportunities for improvement; Support completion of classroom renovations to enhance digital learning.
Development Period: Spring 2025
  • Tanya Wakelin
  • Visal Chea
    CTL Representative
  • Ralph Hofmann
    Executive Dean [SCS]
  • Claire McCormack
    Associate Dean [LS]
  • Kelly O'Brien
    Associate Dean [HHS]
  • Margaret Prentice
    ITS Representative
  • TBD
    A/V ITS Representative
  • TBD
    RO Representative
  • TBD
    Faculty Representative [SEIT]
  • TBD
    Faculty Representative [MAD]


[ASC] Access and Support Centre
[BUS] Faculty of Business
[CTL] Centre for Teaching and Learning
[HS] Faculty of Health Sciences
[HHS] Faculty of Hospitality & Horticultural Science
[ITS] Information Technology Services
[LS] Faculty of Liberal Studies
[MAD] Faculty of Media, Art & Design

[ORSIE] Office of Research Services, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
[PPL] Professional and Part-time Learning
[RO] Office of the Registrar
[SALS] Student Academic Learning Services
[SEIT] Faculty of Science, Engineering & Information Technology
[STA] Faculty of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship
[SCS] Faculty of Social & Community Services

Frequency of Meetings

While the DLSC and working groups will meet monthly, the Chair may call additional meetings when necessary. The DLSC shall also delegate additional activity to the working groups as appropriate.