Planning to Teach A structured and accessible approach to teaching is essential for successful learning. Whether your just starting, or are looking for resources for new teaching strategies, there is something here for everyone! AODA Faculty have access to a Durham College training module for AODA standards related to Information and Communications. This module will help faculty determine their... First Day of Class Introductions and Connections Create an announcement in DC Connect, send an email, or create a video introducing yourself prior to the first day of... Instructional Strategies Instructional strategies that are active and inclusive promote deep and durable learning in our students. Managing Student Information: Best Practices for Faculty Table of Contents What is FIPPA? Best Practices in Managing Student Information Collecting, Sharing, Storing and Retaining Student Information Privacy Breach Protocol Students Questions... The Jumpstart Model The Jumpstart model is a structured approach to lesson/unit planning. Its use ensures that your unit of study will include activities that will make... Universal Design for Learning Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of curriculum design and delivery principles aimed at creating an inclusive and accessible learning experience for...