Microsoft Translator The Microsoft Translator Conversations tool is a free translation and transcription service that allows spoken audio to be displayed as text in real-time. This ensures accessibility for all. Did you know PowerPoint has built-in automatic subtitles? For more resources to help you ensure your remote video delivery will remain accessible to our students, please see our Captioning page. Follow these instructions to use Microsoft Translator Conversations: Go to the web version of this tool. While on the "Start conversation" tab, select the Microsoft icon to login with your Durham College Office 365 credentials. Enter your name to be displayed and select your language. You will be provided with a “Conversation code”. If you would like your students to have the option of translating what you are saying, into a language of their choice, you can share this code, which allows them to “Join the conversation” and control the language being displayed on their computer. They also have the option of downloading a transcript. Turn on Presenter mode in the Settings pane. Presenter mode will unmute your microphone and everything you say will automatically be displayed in text. Presenter mode will also mute other participants who join using the conversation code. Your spoken audio will now be displayed in the browser as text in real-time. You can adjust the size of the browser window displaying the captions, so it sits to the side or bottom of your screen, in order to allow space for sharing other content at the same time. DON’T FORGET: When you are all done, be sure to exit out of the Microsoft Translator Conversation using the door icon in the top right corner. When exiting the conversation, you will have the option to save a transcript. This text file can then be shared with your students in DC Connect. By having captions visible during your recorded Virtual meeting, your recorded class will also have the captions visible, making it accessible without any additional steps. Additional information about Microsoft Translator Conversations, can be found on this FAQ page.