Program Change

Program change is a critical part of ensuring that Durham College programs are current, relevant and meet students' and employers' expectations and needs. Program change can range from changing a course title to introducing new courses to updating program learning outcomes (PLOs). Our team supports academic schools by facilitating the program change process. This includes providing advice on determining the nature of the change and the required supporting documentation, supporting broad consultation through the Program Proposal Review Committee (PPRC), reviewing submitted forms and seeking final approval of major and minor changes to programs of study. Our team also supports the submission of program change proposals to external stakeholders including Credentials Validation Service (CVS), Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), and the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB).

Types of program change range from minor changes, including: changes to a course title and/or pre-requisites to major changes, including adding and/or deleting courses, and/or updating program learning outcomes. Minor changes are to be submitted one full semester in advance of implementation (e.g., submitted by end of summer semester for implementation in winter). Typically major changes are submitted 18 months ahead of implementation as they may require resubmission to the MCU for approval.

What is the process for Program Change?

Step One: Complete a Major or Minor Program Change form.

Step Two: Submit completed form(s) to the Faculty’s Executive Dean/Dean for review and approval.

Step Three: Submit completed and signed form(s) to Manager, Academic Quality Assurance.

Step Four: Review, feedback, and consultation (if required) by the Manager, Academic Quality Assurance and CTL staff or college service areas (e.g., curriculum specialists, admissions, scheduling, etc.) to ensure impact to students and college processes are considered.

The following steps will differ based on the program change type (minor or major).

Step Five:

Minor changes are approved by the Manager, Academic Quality Assurance, in consultation with the Vice-President, Academic (VPA) as needed.

Major changes are typically presented for review by the PPRC and to make recommendations to the. The VPA will review recommendations for approval and/or modifications.

Step Six: Following final approval of minor and major changes, the CTL will communicate the changes to the academic Faculty office and appropriate college stakeholders.

Step Seven: The CTL will send a communication memo for major changes to college stakeholders with the relevant program change information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Are there deadlines associated with program change?
A: Major changes must be approved 18 months prior to the academic term effective date. Exceptions require approval by the VPA. Minor changes must be approved a minimum of one full academic semester ahead of the implementation semester (e.g. approved by end of fall for implementation in summer).

Q: What is the difference between a Minor and Major Change?
A: Minor changes refer to changes to courses that will not significantly impact students or the learning outcomes of the program. Minor course changes include:

  • changes to course numbering and titles; and or
  • changes to course pre-requisites, co-requisites.

Updating course content to maintain relevant curriculum (i.e., textbooks, assessments, etc.) that do not impact the above, do not require approval as a minor change.

A major change is a more substantial change to the program and typically will impact students entering or re-entering the program in future years. Major program changes may require submission of the change to the CVS or the MCU.

  • Major program changes include those that have an impact on finance and budgeting, marketing and recruitment initiatives and can stem from a change in:
    • admission requirements;
    • program delivery methods (e.g. fast-track, online);
    • number of courses, credits, semesters and/or hours of delivery;
    • program learning outcomes or implementation of new program standard;
    • work integrated learning experiences (e.g. placement/practicum, research projects, co-op); and
    • program title.

Q: Why does Durham College use this process?
A: As a public postsecondary institution, Durham College is accountable to demonstrate quality assurance mechanisms that oversee change to our programs of study.  The Program Change Policy and Procedures (ACAD-124) ensures our responsibilities to comply with the Ministers’ Binding Policy Directive Framework for Program of Instruction, the Ontario Qualifications Framework and other key regulations. The process and associated timelines provide opportunity to assess risk, respond to resource requirements, and implement change in a timely, transparent manner for Durham College students.

Q: What is the role of the Program Proposal Review Committee (PPRC)?
A: The purpose of the PPRC is to ensure compliance with the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive – Framework for Programs of Instruction and the OQF in the development of new programs and modification of existing programs. PPRC members represent various college departments and help ensure the presented programs are assessed from various stakeholder perspectives. PPRC reviews new programs and major change proposals and make recommendations for approval to the VPA in accordance with the college’s, Strategic Plan and quality assurance policy and processes.

Questions about Program Change? Please contact:
Please contact Jared Button, Manager, Academic Quality Assurance, Centre for Teaching and Learning.