The CTL is launching Teaching Remotely, a new professional development (PD) workshop series that will be facilitated as an asynchronous series with optional synchronous elements. Faculty can choose the option that best suits their needs.
The workshop series will apply evidence-based principles to support student learning. Teaching strategies including discussion facilitation, learner-focused feedback, and formative and summative assessments will be covered.
Teaching Remotely has the following modules:
- Module One: Planning Development Remote Delivery
- Module Two: Assessments and Rubrics
- Module Three: Building Content and Choosing Technology
- Module Four: Student Collaboration and Facilitating Discussions Remotely
- Module Five: Developing Instructional Presence
Each module will have an optional synchronous session where faculty are welcomed to engage in the content live and/or join to ask questions about a specific topic.
Synchronous session dates will be available in the course calendar. Faculty may work along with their own course materials during the series or may choose to join specific sessions based on their needs.
The assessments in this course are optional and we are available to provide feedback, if faculty wish to receive input.
To join the course:
Email with your email and banner number to enroll in "Teaching Remotely".
Reminder: DC Connect Course Exemplar
Are you stuck or looking for more ideas for remote teaching? The CTL launched a DC Connect course exemplar that is built on the DC Connect template. The exemplar provides one online module that illustrates what a week could look like with course materials and activities. The exemplar also includes contributions from DC faculty!
To check out the exemplar:
Email with your email and banner number to enroll in "DC Connect Course Exemplar"
Reminder: New DC Connect Course Template
The new DC Connect template is available for faculty to develop their remote courses. The template provides consistent and intuitive structure with straightforward navigation, new page layouts for videos, tables, lists, and featured content displays that are easy to customize as well as a A Faculty How-To Guide with step-by-step instructions.
For information on how to use the template, check out our DC Connect Course Template page.