
Faculty Spotlight - Stephen Forbes
February Faculty Spotlight – Stephen Forbes

For our faculty spotlight this month, the CTL had the pleasure of chatting with Stephen Forbes, a professor and program coordinator in the school of...

Amy Watt - School of Justice and Emergency Services
January Faculty Spotlight – Amy Watt

Innovate and reimagine education: this is the approach that Amy Watt has taken toward teaching throughout the pandemic, and she has been met with remarkable...

Don Fishley
December Faculty Spotlight – Don Fishley

Don Fishley, the program coordinator of Sustainable Construction in START, had a unique start to his teaching career. He began his own construction business in...

Faculty Spotlight - Stephn
November Faculty Spotlight – Christine Baily

Christine Baily is a program coordinator and faculty in the School of Hospitality and Horticultural Science. Christine describes her approach to teaching as centered around...

Durham College CTL Academic PD Day
Fall Academic PD Day / Highlights

Dr. Richard Booth, our morning keynote speaker, kicked off the fall Academic PD Day on October 27, 2021. His talk focused on how rapid digital...

Michael Williams-Bell
October Faculty Spotlight – Michael Williams-Bell

The CTL’s first faculty spotlight of the 2021/22 academic year is Michael Williams-Bell. Michael is a faculty member in the Fitness and Health Promotion (FHP)...

Zoom, Microsoft Stream, Microsoft Teams
Educational Technology Updates (Zoom, Teams, Stream)

Zoom The 2021-2022 academic year is shaping up to be an exciting year in terms of educational technology. Zoom has been added to Durham College’s...

Kahoot!, Miro, Pivot Interactives, peerScholar logos
App Pilots / Educational Technology Sandbox

eCampusOntario is providing all Ontario post-secondary institutions with an Educational Technology Sandbox, as part of the province’s Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS). Durham College has chosen...

Flexible Delivery Planning
Flexible Delivery Planning

Many different programs and courses have chosen the flexible delivery mode for the fall semester. The CTL has created a Faculty Tool Kit to build...

Storing Teams Meeting Recordings Flow
Microsoft Stream: Changes to Teams Recordings

As a result of a Microsoft Stream update that occurred on July 7th, Teams recordings are now being saved to OneDrive. The main impact of...