2017 campus Holiday Food Drive supports 150 families

The co-chairs of the annual campus Holiday Food Drive extend their sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the 2017 initiative a resounding success.

A longstanding campus tradition, the drive provides hampers and financial assistance to Durham College (DC) and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) student families in need.

“The need is real: we hear stories about students having to choose between buying books or food throughout the school year. It can be particularly difficult for them during the holidays when they have to decide between purchasing school necessities or gifts for their families,” says Brad MacIsaac, Co-chair, Holiday Food Drive. “We are thrilled that this year’s campaign helped families enjoy happier holidays with a record number of 150 food hampers, thanks to the generosity of our campus community.”

 “The success of the Holiday Food Drive would not be possible without everyone who came together for this great cause,” adds Kevin Griffin, Co-chair, Holiday Food Drive. “A heartfelt thank you goes out to all who donated non-perishable food items, contributed finances toward the purchase of fresh food, and helped us pack and deliver hampers on December 17.”

DC, UOIT, the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa, UOIT Student Union and Durham College Students Inc. organize the campus Holiday Food Drive.

DC signs collaboration agreement with Lakeridge Health

Durham College and Lakeridge Health have signed a five-year collaboration agreement focused on growing experiential learning, applied research and innovative education to address issues in health care.

“Durham College and Lakeridge Health have a long history of working together and this agreement illustrates the ways in which our values so closely align,” said Debbie McKee Demczyk, dean of the college’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE). “This is an exciting new chapter in our relationship – one that will provide exceptional opportunities for our students and faculty and make positive impacts on the quality of health care our community receives.”

Under the agreement, the college and hospital will collaborate to explore and pursue the following five objectives:

  • Identify and develop initiatives focused on creating practical, scalable and sustainable solutions to health care issues.
  • Work with companies to develop, disseminate and potentially commercialize technologies.
  • Develop and coordinate joint experiential learning opportunities, applied research and innovative educational activities.
  • Contribute to seminars, workshops and academic initiatives that drive the business goals of both organizations.
  • Share access to facilities, equipment, systems, information and data within the boundaries of protecting confidentiality and personal information.

The collaboration agreement supports two specialized areas of research for ORSIE and Durham College: enabling technologies of the future and cultivating healthy lives and resilient communities. It also aligns with the college’s first degree program, the Honours Bachelor of Health Care Technology Management (BHCTM), announced earlier this year. The first program of its kind in Canada, the BHCTM program aims to address an identified need in the health care sector for professionals with a hybrid skill set of expertise in medical technologies, life sciences and business practices.

Lakeridge Health is a five hospital health system with approximately 15 community locations across Durham Region and 6,000 employees dedicated to providing excellence – every moment, every day. For Lakeridge Health, this partnership supports a pathway to innovation with a focus on excellent patient care and the potential to increase opportunities for experiential learning and applied research.

“Innovation is one of the core values of Lakeridge Health, and we are looking forward to working in partnership with Durham College to develop innovative health care solutions while working with students, faculty and community partners,” said Len Kleine, director of Business Development, Lakeridge Health, and one of the organizational leads for Innovation.

School of Justice & Emergency Services students give back

Students in Durham College’s (DC) Fire and Life Safety Systems Technician and Firefighter – Pre-Service, Education and Training programs recently volunteered their time and community spirit to raise $1,463 for Camp Bucko, which gives burn survivors ages seven to 17 the opportunity to attend camp for one week during the summer.

On Friday, December 15, they were able to present a cheque to representatives from the camp in the culmination of their planning and fundraising efforts. Raised during Fire Prevention Week, the funds are the result of multiple initiatives, which were organized by more than 100 students. These included a boot drive, fire fighter challenge where participants were given the chance to dress in fire fighter gear to complete an obstacle course and a meet and greet with Molly the Fire Dog.

Photo credit: Aly Beach, second-year Journalism – Print and Web student.

Durham College launches first-of-its-kind applied research AI Hub

Durham College (DC) is announcing the launch of the Durham College Hub for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence for Business Solutions, to be known more commonly as the AI Hub. Housed within the college’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE), the AI Hub offers small and medium enterprises (SMEs) a much-needed access point to the rapidly growing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

DC’s AI Hub offers industry partners access to technical expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and learning platforms, and students who are emerging leaders in their fields, so that through applied research projects they may uncover business insights and implement intelligent and autonomous solutions to increase their companies’ productivity and growth.

AI is transforming the ways in which business systems, consumer interactions and devices are being developed and used. By building upon Canada’s established lead in AI scientific research, DC’s AI Hub aims to ensure this emerging and vital competitive advantage for business can be understood, developed and adopted by SMEs.

The AI hub is focused on how “narrow AI” can be used to help SMEs unlock competitive advantage through the adoption of AI. Narrow AI refers to any software that uses technologies such as machine learning (ML), decision support, natural language processing and automation to recommend strategic options, make decisions autonomously and act in a manner that would be considered intelligent.

In addition to supporting SMEs, the AI Hub also provides DC students and alumni opportunities to gain highly sought-after AI and ML skills and experience to improve their competitiveness in today’s job market.

As part of the AI Hub’s establishment, DC also launched three internal projects to accelerate the college’s adoption of AI and commissioned a new GPU Accelerated AI Systems Lab for research and teaching purposes.

The college has also just announced its eighth AI applied research project launched in 2017. DC and Toronto-based flitePLAN International (flitePLAN) are partnering on a project using AI and advanced development techniques to address the financial and ecological benefits of fuel optimization in commercial aviation.

Companies interested in how AI and digital transformation can enhance their businesses are encouraged to visit www.durhamcollege.ca/theAIHub or contact the AI Hub team directly at theaihub@durhamcollege.ca or 905.721.3223.

DC Brewing Memories Coffee Tour Wraps Up

Durham College’s (DC) Office of Development and Alumni Affairs gave new meaning to the term ‘coffee break’ for alumni with their Brewing Memories Coffee Tour (BMCT).  The travelling series of events was part of DC’s 50th anniversary celebrations in 2017 and saw the college host coffee breaks throughout the year at 50 workplaces that employ DC graduates. This month, the tour wraps up after more than 50 stops.

The BMCT was designed to provide opportunities for the college to re-connect with its graduates, hear their success stories, learn about their career paths and in turn, share with them the new and exciting things happening at DC – all while enjoying free coffee, tea and baked goods. Each attendee had the opportunity to share details of their program and received a commemorative ‘DC alumni at work’ sticker to be proudly displayed at their workplace.

The Office of Development and Alumni Affairs gathered with alumni in workplaces such as DC’s Oshawa and Whitby campuses, Durham Regional Police Services, Ontario Power Generation and Bombardier Transportation. The BMCT traveled outside of Durham Region, with stops at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto and the HMCS BYTOWN Officers’ Mess in Ottawa.

The tour also gave international alumni the opportunity to connect by engaging with former DC students in British Columbia, Romania, Turkey, Japan and England. The five alumni came together through DC’s Global Class to share their memories of DC and updates on their careers. Participants also learned about new college developments and took questions from audience members watching live, both in-class and on the web for a truly unique BMCT stop.

Durham College one of GTA’s Top Employers

Durham College (DC) has been named one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers for 2018. This is the seventh time the college has received this honour.

DC is proud to be acknowledged for the work being done on campus to create opportunities for professional development and personal wellness for the college’s more than 790 full-time employees, including faculty, administrative and support staff. Highlights of that work recognized by the Top Employer program this year include DC’s annual Retreat with the President, a forum for staff to provide feedback and share ideas for improvement as well as the college’s diversity working group, which helps develop and implement strategies and initiatives related to student and employment diversity. The program also commended DC for encouraging employees to lead active, healthy lives by subsidizing memberships to the state-of-the-art Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre, which also offers massage, physiotherapy and other extended healthcare services.

Greater Toronto’s Top Employers is an annual competition organized by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. This special designation recognizes the Greater Toronto Area employers that lead their industries in offering exceptional places to work. Organizations are judged on several categories including physical workplace; work and social atmosphere; health, financial and family benefits; vacation and time off; employee communications; performance management; training and skills development; and community involvement. Employers are compared to other organizations in their field to determine which offer the most progressive and forward-thinking programs.

For more information, please visit www.canadastop100.com/toronto/.

DC hosts Kenyan education delegation

In early November, as part of its participation in the Kenyan Education for Employment Program (KEFEP), Durham College (DC) hosted four days of workshops for delegates from five Kenyan national polytechnics. The delegation’s visit to Ontario marked the beginning of Durham’s KEFEP partnerships, facilitated through Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan).

In addition to a workshop hosted by Algonquin College, one of DC’s Canadian partners, touching on the Greening of Technical Vocational Education and Training, a diverse, cross-sectional group of DC employees delivered workshops on the following subjects:

  • Leadership and Change Management
  • Gender Mainstreaming
  • Industry Engagement and Program Advisory Committees

The Kenyan delegation also had the opportunity to connect with members of the DC leadership team (DCLT), including president Don Lovisa, Dr. Elaine Popp, vice-president, Academic; Mark Herringer, dean, International Education; and Moreen Tapper, dean, Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment. During a roundtable discussion, DCLT participants shared personal stories of their career development, as well as experiences with change management and leading teams through organizational transitions. Their Kenyan counterparts then shared details of their own experiences in connection with the evolution of Kenya’s post-secondary education system, including the recent change to college-led responsibility for curriculum development.

KEFEP is a five-year initiative focused on strengthening and supporting technical and vocational education and training in Kenya. It is funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada and facilitated by CICan. DC has been contracted on two separate KEFEP project with different mix of Kenyan and Canadian partners, to work together to achieve the overarching KEFEP goals through a partnership of 3.5 years. A vital component of DC’s internationalization strategy and efforts, partnerships such as KEFEP are great examples of partner-driven capacity-building projects that work towards sustainable results and professional development opportunities for all parties.

Durham College alumnus wins Ontario Premier’s Award

Durham College (DC) alumnus Brent Lessard has received provincial recognition for the leadership role he is playing in revolutionizing the future of transportation. The 2014 graduate of DC’s Mechanical Engineering Technology program was announced as the recipient of a Premier’s Award for recent graduates on November 27 at the annual gala that celebrates outstanding graduates from across the Ontario college system.

“I am incredibly honoured to receive the Premier’s Award,” said Brent. “I’ve been able to apply so much of what I learned at DC, including being exposed to diverse thinking during my studies, which has been a source of inspiration in my work. I also continue to draw on the importance of fostering a sense of community, which the college certainly did. It’s something that I have carried with me as I helped create the rLoop concept.”

rLoop, a non-profit, crowd-funded and sourced, online think tank and talent resource, was founded in 2014, a year after Brent graduated, and is focused on the development of a conceptual, high-speed transportation system called Hyperloop. Initially proposed by Elon Musk, chief executive officer at Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), the system involves the propelling of passenger or cargo-boarded pods in a low-pressure tube using sustainable and cost-efficient energy, in order to transport people from one place to another at the speed of sound.

Within the framework of rLoop’s commitment to innovation, Brent successfully connects and integrates the expertise of his colleagues, who live in various countries and time zones, speak different languages and embrace differing and unique cultures, to lead the development of a technology prototype with the potential to change the way we live and conduct business in Ontario, Canada and around the world.

His dedication has enabled him to propel the rLoop team, which is now comprised of 1,100 members from more than 50 countries, to greatness several times in the last three years.

In January 2016, he proudly guided his colleagues at the first SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Design Competition where they were awarded the Best Non-Student Hyperloop Design Award and earned a spot to compete as one of 30 teams at the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition, which took place in January 2017, in California. There, under Lessard’s direction, rLoop had the opportunity to test its Hyperloop prototype on the mile-long SpaceX track before receiving the SpaceX Hyperloop Innovation Award.

Lessard and his team were asked to return to the Hyperloop Pod Competition II in August 2017, where they tested the vehicle in the vacuum of the Hyperloop tube and achieved several Hyperloop firsts, including the first Hyperloop Pod demonstrating static levitation in a vacuum and the first Hyperloop Pod with pressure vessel tested at vacuum, capable of sustaining human life.

“Brent is a cutting-edge thinker who embodies the qualities that make a college education great – collaboration, innovation, entrepreneurship and learning through doing,” said Don Lovisa, president, Durham College. “As he and the rLoop team work toward revolutionizing the way we travel, DC’s students, employees and more than 82,000 alumni are incredibly proud he is representing the college and Canada on the international stage.”

Brent was one of 118 college graduates nominated for this year’s awards, including one other from DC, and is the sixth alumni from the college to win.

Each year the Premier’s Awards are presented to acknowledge the social and economic contributions that college graduates make to the province and throughout the world. Chosen from nominations submitted by Ontario’s 24 colleges, the award recipients have demonstrated outstanding career success related to their college experience and have made a significant contribution to their community.

For more information about the DC alumni community please visit www.durhamcollege.ca/alumni.

Limerick Institute of Technology articulation agreements

Durham College (DC) and the Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) have signed nine articulation agreements to provide new degree pathways for DC students. Graduates of several of the college’s two- and three-year programs will now be able to enter LIT bachelor programs with advanced standing, allowing them to earn a degree in as little as one academic year.

The agreements will provide qualified graduates from DC’s Centre for Food (CFF) and schools of Media, Art & Design (MAD) and Business, IT & Management (BITM) with the opportunity to pursue degrees at LIT including:

  • Business Studies with Sports Management – Bachelor of Arts
  • Digital Animation Production – Bachelor of Science
  • Graphic Design Communication – Bachelor of Arts
  • Business Studies with Sport Management – Bachelor of Arts
  • Music Technology and Production Bachelor of Science
  • Culinary Arts – Bachelor of Arts
  • Business  with Enterprise & Innovation – Bachelor of Business
  • Business Studies with Event Management – Bachelor of Arts
  • Creative Broadcast & Film Production – Bachelor of Science

DC graduates will be able to build on the knowledge and skills acquired through their diploma program while gaining an international experience as they study abroad. LIT is one of the fastest growing degree-granting colleges in Ireland, with over 6,500 students learning across five state-of-the-art campuses in Limerick and Tipperary.

The relationship between the two schools has been growing steadily over the past year. Most recently LIT president Vincent Cunnane visited DC, touring both the Oshawa and Whitby campuses and meeting with faculty members and members of the college’s Academic Leadership Team, including Dr. Elaine Popp, vice-president, Academic; Marianne Marando, executive dean, BITM; and Tony Doyle, associate dean, CFF.

Previously, DC sent five faculty members to LIT for a week of professional development and in February, 22 MAD students traveled to Ireland with another three faculty members. As part of their cross-country trip they visited LIT’s School of Art & Design in Limerick to learn about further education options available to them. The group visited LIT’s Clare Street campus, a refurbished convent and chapel where fine arts bachelor’s degree programs are taught including Painting, Printmaking and Contemporary Practice, Sculpture & Combined Media, and Photography and Lens Based Media.

DC offers students more than 450 academic pathways through agreements with institutions in Ontario, across Canada and around the world.

DC named one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges for fifth consecutive year

Durham College (DC) announced today that it has once again been named one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges by Research Infosource Inc., a Canadian research and development intelligence company. This is the fifth consecutive year the college has been included on the list, which is informed by data on research income, research intensity and research partnerships and projects at colleges across the country.

DC’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship or ORSIE, has a mandate to solve industry and social challenges through innovation and collaboration. Operating under four research themes – cultivating healthy lives and resilient communities, advancing agriculture, agri-business and tourism, enabling technologies of the future and enhancing scholarly teaching and learning – researchers and students collaborate with industry and community partners to develop real-world solutions to challenges faced by small-to-medium-sized enterprises and community organizations.

Under the theme of enabling technologies of the future, DC is leading the way helping companies and organizations plan, develop, and implement state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) systems and practices into business solutions. Through the establishment of the AI Hub, the college is assisting small and medium-sized enterprises to create products, services, and processes that have commercial value, enabling them to scale and compete through AI-enabled systems and management practices. Faculty researchers and students are working alongside industry partners in developing the solutions.

ORSIE is also offering AI workshops and a boot camp for DC students, focusing on the foundations of AI to enhance their skills.