Durham College begins the 2020-2021 academic year

While the COVID-19 pandemic means Durham College’s (DC) 2020-2021 academic year looks different than in years past, more than 11,200 full-time and apprenticeship students have embraced the opportunity and are now studying at DC.

This includes more than 6,280 first-year students, more than 1,500 new and returning international students from 72 countries, and 7,000 registrations occurred through Professional and Part-time Learning.

“As an institution, we recognize the unique circumstances facing our students, faculty and campus community as a result of COVID-19,” said Dr. Elaine Popp, vice-president, Academic. “However, after our successful pilot program in July, which saw more than 1,500 students from across 20 programs return to campus following our initial closures to complete outstanding practical requirements for their programs, we felt quite confident and prepared heading into the fall semester. We learned a lot during the pilot and have carried that knowledge into the new academic year to the benefit of students and faculty alike.”

Through a combination of remote and in-person delivery, students are studying in a variety of industry-driven programs including the new Esports Business Management and Autism and Behavioural Sciences graduate certificates, as well as the Honours Bachelor of Health Care Technology Management (pathway to degree).

“Since the outset of the pandemic our focus has been on ensuring the continuity of learning for our students. With the arrival of the new academic year, we remain committed to offering the same quality programming DC is known for,” said Popp.

Remote classes allow for rich engagement opportunities between students, their professors and peers thanks to a variety of online platforms and technologies, which are not only maintaining but also enhance learning. Cutting-edge simulations and hands-on opportunities, when possible, are also helping to fulfill the experiential elements of DC’s programs.

“In the spring, DC unveiled its new Strategic Plan, anchored in our new mission statement, together we’re leading the way,” said Don Lovisa, president. “It’s an extremely fitting sentiment given our current circumstances, as the launch of this academic year has truly been a team effort. I want to thank our faculty and staff for supporting our students as they learn the job-ready skills they need to pursue their careers, and the students themselves for their patience, perseverance and commitment to their education. If the start to the fall semester is any indication, they are destined for success.”

DC employees show solidarity during Scholar Strike for those who have experienced anti-Black and systemic racism

On September 9 and 10, academics across North America took part in a two-day Scholar Strike to stand in solidarity with anti-Black racism and police violence protesters in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere.

As part of this collective action event, a group of Durham College (DC) employees contributed their voices to a short video to demonstrate their support for their students, colleagues and all others who have experienced anti-Black and systemic racism.

Produced by Crystal Garvey, a professor in the Nursing – Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, the video features statements of solidarity from faculty members across the college as they share their experiences and advocacy while raising their voices in the call to end racial injustice.

Watch the video below.

DC is proud of its employees and students, and supports the dismantling of systemic barriers faced by the underrepresented Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) community. Earlier this summer, DC President Don Lovisa signed the BlackNorth Initiative’s CEO pledge, joining more than 200 leaders from across Canada who have publicly committed their organizations to taking action to realize specific goals and targets designed to dismantle anti-Black systemic racism and create opportunities for the BIPOC community.

Carpenters Union Local 397 Contributes $100,000 to DC Skilled Trades Expansion

Durham College (DC) is pleased to announce the fundraising campaign for the Whitby Campus skilled trades and professions expansion has received a significant donation of $100,000 from the Carpenters Union Local 397.

The generous donation will go toward the Building for Skills campaign, which has raised $4.4 million to date, supporting a 60,000 square foot addition to DC’s Whitby campus.  When completed, the expansion will allow 750 more students to study skilled trades and professions each year.

“The Carpenters Union is supporting this expansion because we understand the need to train more young people in the trades,” noted Joel Neville, Local Union Coordinator. “The new facility will provide more room and resources not only to our carpenter apprentices but for the apprentices of many other trades accessing this great new facility.”

In recognition of the Carpenters Union Local 397’s gift, a multi-purpose classroom will carry the name of the union that represents women and men in Durham Region and Northumberland County who work in a variety of construction related skilled trades, including carpentry, drywall and resilient flooring.

Construction continues at DC’s Whitby campus with plans to open in fall 2021.

“We are extremely grateful for the support of organized labour. This generous donation from the Carpenters Union Local 397 demonstrates a dedication to the training of future skilled trades professionals and support for DC’s state-of-the-art facility that will have a positive impact on the workforce of Ontario. This gift will help Durham College continue to develop skilled workers who contribute to a strong economy and vibrant communities,” said DC President Don Lovisa.

DC celebrates the start of the academic year

With the 2020-2021 school year fast approaching, over 550 Durham College (DC) employees gathered virtually on September 1 for Academic Kickoff. Designed to engage and inspire, this annual event sets the tone for the academic year ahead.

Thanks to its online webinar format, DC faculty, as well as administrative and support staff, enjoyed a diverse program including college updates and a discussion about the impact of COVID-19 from a ministry and provincial perspective from President Don Lovisa, a sneak peek from Dr. Elaine Popp, vice-president, Academic, into DC’s new Academic Plan, and video presentations from various employees about transitioning to remote learning and the creative solutions they have implemented to enhance the overall education experience for students.

The videos can be viewed on DC’s YouTube page via the following links:

Attendees also had the pleasure of hearing from keynote speaker Dr. Britt Andreatta, an internationally recognized thought leader who creates brain-science based solutions for today’s challenges. As CEO and president of 7th Mind Inc., and having been both a professor and dean in post-secondary education, Dr. Andreatta draws on her background in neuroscience, psychology, leadership and learning to unlock the best in organizations and their people.

Through an exploration of the way the brain functions when learning and retaining information, Dr. Andreatta provided insight into how modern educators can help enhance the academic experience for students. Stating “we are all biologically hardwired to learn,” she provided a number of strategies and suggestions for those teaching in the coming academic year.

DC’s fall 2020 classes will begin on Tuesday, September 8 and will be delivered via a blended-learning approach which includes remote and remote/in-person delivery.

Durham College receives $75,000 in funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to reduce social isolation among youth

Durham College’s (DC) Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) is pleased to announce it is receiving $75,000 in applied research funding via a College and Community Program – Applied Research Rapid Response to COVID-19 grant, awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

The funding will be used to support a collaborative project between DC and Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Durham (BBBSND), an organization that provides vital mentorship programming to vulnerable youth who deal with anxiety in rural areas of Uxbridge, Scugog, and Brock Townships. The project will be led by two DC nursing faculty members, Crystal Garvey and Jacqueline Williamson, who have ample experience working with youth and addressing issues of mental health.

BBBSND has a long history serving the youth in these communities, and is very familiar with the daily hardships they experience. These include having limited opportunities to build healthy relationships and little or no access to supports, including transportation and technology. In addition, before the pandemic occurred, BBBSND estimated that 75 per cent of youth they work with deal with anxiety on a regular basis.

Knowing that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of these challenges, the project is designed to ensure that the vitally important mentor support provided to mentees is maintained and does not deteriorate despite physical distancing challenges. The mental health needs of the mentor and mentee will also be addressed.

Those resources include building a bank of activities, tools and mental health supports that are easily accessible to mentors and can serve as a roadmap for use by BBBS Canada and others in rural communities across the country. The resulting resource bank will be useful for BBBSND to enhance training of current and future mentors. The resources may also be disseminated by the national office to other BBBS agencies for their use.

Students from various DC programs, including, Child and Youth Care and Nursing, as well as those from the School of Media, Art & Design, will be involved at various stages of the project, providing them with experiential learning opportunities while also meeting project objectives.

For more information about ORSIE visit www.durhamcollege.ca/orsie.

Durham College launches new DC Ready homepage to prepare students for fall

​September is right around the corner! We can’t wait to welcome back returning students and meet our new cohort of first-years as they embark on their exciting post-secondary journey at Durham College (DC).

To support students as they navigate a unique new year, including changes to operations and course delivery, we’ve launched a new DC Ready microsite to help students get started and get settled. Full of helpful links and resources, the site is also home to our DC Ready Guide, a valuable academic success tool preparing students for their fall semester.   

With COVID-19 changing the way we work, teach and learn, the DC Ready homepage will act as a hub of information so students can find the support and guidance they need to be successful at DC.

To visit the DC Ready microsite, please visit www.durhamcollege.ca/dc-ready.

Durham College’s 2019-2020 Annual Report now available

Durham College (DC) is pleased to share that its 2019-2020 Annual Report is now available. As one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for a fourth consecutive year, DC is sharing its successes in a fully electronic format.

“Given 2020 marked the start of a new decade, this Annual Report gave the college an opportunity to take stock of the past ten years while also considering the future ahead,” said Don Lovisa, president, Durham College. “We’ve got a lot to be proud of and always welcome the opportunity to share those accomplishments with DC and the broader community.”

The report is filled with examples of leadership in action. Driven by the entire DC community and marked by innovation, growth and excellence in education, DC has a lot to be proud of.

DC Photography grad to be featured in Applied Arts virtual gallery

Anurag Parteek Singh’s successful career as a professional photographer is coming into sharp focus thanks to his recent win in the prestigious Applied Arts Awards. Mere months after graduating from the Photography program at Durham College (DC), Anurag’s work, ‘The Untitled Gaze”,’ garnered industry accolades as a winning selection from the Character Portrait category of the Applied Arts Student Awards.

In addition to the profile boost within Canada’s visual arts landscape, Anurag’s photograph will be featured in the Applied Arts virtual gallery of winning work that will be included in the Student Annual Edition, to be published online in October.

Regarded as the go-to destination for creative advice, insight and inspiration, Applied Arts has been awarding design, advertising, illustration and photography professionals and students since 1992. The Student Awards are open to high school and post-secondary students enrolled in relevant programs.

DC takes great pride in Anurag’s work and success and congratulates him on this significant professional achievement.

DC student leads the pack in design competition

Second-year Graphic Design student Kristin Cornell can make a major addition to her resume after placing third overall, and second in the People’s Choice Award, in the annual Packaging Association of Canada (PAC) Student Competition in May.

Representing Durham College (DC) after being voted in by classmates and faculty, Kristin competed against peers from across Ontario.

Nestlé Canada hosted the 2020 competition, offering up an interesting creative brief that focused on sustainability. Competitors were tasked with designing a completely plastic-free package for Nestlé’s KitKat Minis chocolate bars.

Kristin and her classmates worked on their designs for the competition as an in-course assignment. Although the competition became more challenging due to COVID-19 and the move to remote delivery for the remainder of the winter semester, Kristin powered through and finished her design in time to compete.

After presenting her final concept to representatives from Nestlé Canada and other industry experts, Kristin received valuable feedback that she’ll now take forward into her career as she continues to hone her design skills.

PAC added the Student Sustainable Packaging Design competition in 2008. Students are given a product to redesign and present to a packaging community audience and winners receive monetary rewards and high-profile industry recognition, which often leads to career opportunities.

DC congratulates Kristin on her achievement and takes great pride in the efforts of our Graphic Design students to make packaging more sustainable.

DC signs BlackNorth Initiative pledge to dismantle anti-Black racism

While Durham College (DC) condemns anti-Black racism and oppression of any kind, we are not blind to the fact that there is more work to be done on campus and beyond to fully dismantle the systemic barriers faced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) students, employees and community members.

We need more than words. We need meaningful, specific action.

Recognizing this need, DC is proud to announce that on July 17, President Don Lovisa signed the BlackNorth Initiative’s CEO pledge, joining more than 200 leaders from across Canada in committing our organization to realizing specific actions and targets designed to dismantle anti-Black systemic racism and create opportunities for all those in the underrepresented BIPOC community.

The pledge commits DC to implementing and reporting on measurable efforts, including new policies, procedures and practices, aimed to not only address systemic anti-Black racism within the college but to actively work to educate others and dismantle the barriers negatively affecting the lives of Black Canadians.

As a signatory to the BlackNorth Initiative CEO pledge, DC is committing to increasing its delivery of unconscious bias and anti-racism education and, by 2025, ensuring that 5 per cent of its student positions and 3 per cent of its donations create opportunities for the Black community. The college is also committing to working to attract, develop and advance talent to contribute to a target of 3.5 per cent of executive and Board roles based in Canada being held by Black people in the same timeframe. The college’s actions and progress will be accountable through reports to its Board of Governors.

Joining the BlackNorth Initiative reflects DC’s core values of diversity, inclusion and respect that are named in the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan published earlier this year. Our participation is also a significant extension of the work both completed and currently underway at the college to identify and eradicate anti-Black racism, discrimination and oppression of all kinds.

This summer, the college’s Social Justice Week committee, together with the DC Black Student Success Network, Office of Student Diversity, Inclusion and Transitions and DC Students Inc., launched a series of online community dialogue sessions to create a safe space for students and employees to share with and learn from each other about experiences of anti-Black racism. Other recent initiatives include:

  • Establishment of the college’s first Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group.
  • DC representation on the City of Oshawa’s first-ever Community Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.
  • Development of a college Equity policy.
  • Ongoing delivery of unconscious bias training for students and employees.
  • Formation of a DC Black Student Success Network.

Signing the BlackNorth Initiative CEO pledge is a powerful next step towards effecting significant, positive change on our campus and well beyond.